Singularity Fund — Weekly report #18

Singularity Fund
Singularity Fund
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2017

Weekly report from September 26 to October 3

Net Asset Value and Performance of the fund

NAV on October 3= $17.98

Performance from September 26 to October 3= 12.68%

Performance from May 31 to October 3= 192.65%

NAV evolution between May 31 and October 3

We wrote in last week Singularity Fund report that the crypto markets were beginning to recover. This recovery is continuing slowly but surely, with BTC (Bitcoin) as a clear winner, and some mixed results with most of the other cryptoassets. In the Singularity Fund, we are seing a very good post-ICO performance of LINK (Chainlink), which became one of the main positions of the fund as shown below in the allocation pie chart. As explained in the weekly report #16, we believe that the LINK network may become one of the pillars of the decentralized crypto-economy by being the standard platform for building “oracles” (providers of real-world information to smart contracts).

Fund Composition on October 3

Fund crypto-assets allocation on October 3

We sold three positions and reviewed our target allocations.

The positions sold are: WAVES, BET (Dao.Casino), NET (Nimiq). The reason is that we estimate that the amount invested in these tokens would be better allocated on other positions for the time being. We are regularly reassessing the investments depending on the developments of the project, the other opportunities, and the overall market conditions.

We reinforced our exposure to the tokens/coins that we believe have the potential to become the core the new economy: we let the share of LINK (see above) increase above target and will begin taking profits at a higher threshold; we are increasing and will continue to increase the weight of ZRX (0x project); we let NEO increase above previous target and will maintain its weight at the current one (+/- margin); and finally we increased the weight of ETH, which continue being the core of the new token ecosystem.

BTC 8.58%
ETH 12.91%
BCH 1.13%
IOT 4.91%
NEO 8.04%
LINK 16.61%
OMG 11.30%
ZRX 8.89%
CND 6.29%
XRL 4.83%
SAN 1.25%
NMR 0.45%
CVC 3.54%
FCT 1.41%
TNT 0.67%
ENJ 3.58%
Dmarket 2.20%
SNM 0.76%
BNT 0.45%
TKN 2.20%

Singularity Fund links

NAV (Net Asset Value):

We also recommend reading our Performance Analysis report, where we compare the performance of the Singularity Fund to the performance of three benchmarks: Bitcoin, Ether, and CRIX (crypto index).

