Singularity Fund — Weekly report #20

Singularity Fund
Singularity Fund
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2017

Weekly report from October 10 to October 17

Net Asset Value and Performance of the fund

NAV on October 17= $18.31

Performance from October 10 to October 17= 4.52%

Performance from May 31 to October 17= 198.02%

NAV evolution between May 31 and October 17

In the two previous weekly reports, we outlined the fact that BTC (Bitcoin) was outperforming most of the cryptoassets on the market. At the time of writing (Oct 21), the price of BTC reached a new ATH (All Time High) of $6195, while almost all other cryptos are in the red. We believe this rally of BTC against other cryptos is mostly due to the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) related to the coming two forks and the expectation of receiving “free” new coins.

The short term impact on the Singularity Fund is negative, with most of our positions down at the time of writing. The long term prospects remain however the same and we are now taking the opportunity of very low prices on some assets to consolidate our positions (LINK, IOTA, XRL for example). We will therefore be well positioned for the market recovery when the BTC rally will calm down.

Fund Composition on October 17

Fund crypto-assets allocation on October 17

BTC 12.98%
ETH 21.81%
IOT 2.95%
NEO 7.36%
LINK 10.54%
OMG 8.92%
ZRX 12.96%
CND 4.20%
XRL 2.92%
SAN 1.40%
NMR 2.95%
CVC 4.46%
ENJ 2.71%
Dmarket 1.66%
SNM 0.84%
BNT 0.34%
TKN 1.00%

Singularity Fund links

NAV (Net Asset Value):

We also recommend reading our Performance Analysis report, where we compare the performance of the Singularity Fund to the performance of three benchmarks: Bitcoin, Ether, and CRIX (crypto index).

