SingularityDAO: The Age of Dinosaurs

Marcello Mari
SingularityDAO Ai-DeFi
6 min readOct 11, 2022

Contributions Open

Visit the new SingularityDAO dApp to join DynaSets today!

Greetings DinoForce,

DynaSets are OPEN! The new dApp is LIVE!

It is with great pleasure that today, October 11th, 2022, SingularityDAO is able to announce the launch of both the new dApp and DynaSets! Head over to to explore the new site, join DynaSets and experience the new branding and user experience.

For more details about the latest DynaSets please read this article.

If you wish to participate in the 14-day celebratory launch event and maybe win some prizes, make sure to read this.

New dApp, new look, new Dynas, new Dino naming convention

In the summer of 2021, the SingularityDAO protocol launched, with a governance token and some classic DeFi functionality such as staking and farming, followed later that year by a bridge to BNB Chain and a token launchpad. All this was to build the foundation for DynaSets, dynamic vaults of tokens that to this date have consistently outperformed the underlying assets they contain.

During this time, the SingularityDAO community, aided by some friendly YouTubers, affectionately coined the term DinoSets, and there the meme began. This trend quickly caught on and when it became time to decide on a naming scheme for this big update to SingularityDAO and potential future releases, the decision came easy.

This update takes SingularityDAO from a time before Dinos into ‘The Age of Dinosaurs’ which occurred during the Cretaceous Era. With the conclusion of the beta, SingularityDAO now enters into the Triassic Period. This is just the beginning, next, attention will be turned to the evolution of the protocol and DynaSets. Work is already underway on new Dynas, new DeFi products, DAO governance with advanced decentralisation and moving towards the Jurassic Period.


A DynaSet connected to dYdX that can not only short Bitcoin and Ethereum but also apply leverage to those trades.

That’s right, the first iteration of a derivative DynaSet is now open.

Contributions to dynDYDX will remain open for two weeks, or until the max cap of $4,999,999 has been reached. The trading window will last around 3 months. At that time, this DynaSet will close for upgrades, evaluations and possibly alternative, more decentralised solutions.

This is an experimental beta product. While users can opt-in to this trial, it is important to understand that dynDYDX is not a final product and is used at your own risk. Please read the Terms and Conditions.

Please read all the details here.

Audit —

dynBTC / dynETH
After 6 months of beta testing, dynBTC and dynETH are now live, decentralised and open to the world. Building the concept, testing it, and averaging performance of over 30% during beta, was just the beginning. The new contracts, launching today, are fully non-custodial, decentralised and scoring 10/10 on their security audit. Users already participating in beta will find that their contributions automatically roll over into these new DynaSets. New users will have a 2-week contribution period before trading begins. The first trading window for this DynaSet will run for 3 months.

A little over one year after the launch of SingularityDAO, users are welcome to contribute to the release of this live product offering.

Your keys, your crypto.

Learn more about these DynaSets here.

Audit -

What’s next for DynaSets?

BNB Chain — Layer 1 tokens
The next DynaSet to be released in the coming weeks will be the first of its kind to trade on BNB Chain. With a far larger pool of tokens to swap between, and the much lower transaction costs that BSC Chain offers the DAM will be able to leverage a range of different trading strategies.

This set will consist of the following layer 1 blockchain tokens: BUSD, ADA, WBNB, XRP,


Learn about the BSC Chain DynaSet here.

New dApp
While this first version of the new dApp is made up of many existing features from beta, a lot of work has been done rebuilding the entire front and backend infrastructure. This means that alongside the new visuals of the dApp, it is also now better positioned to receive regular iterative updates to the site. Going forward users can expect bug fixes and quality of life upgrades as well as interesting new features to be added frequently.

Users may also notice a few items have been renamed or moved. Staking pools for instance have now been renamed to ‘Vaults’ to prepare our dApp for the upcoming dynamic vaults. ‘Swap’, ‘Liquidity’ and ‘Bridge’ have now been bundled together into the ‘DEX’ section. ‘DAO’ will be the new home of ‘DAO Participation’, ‘Governance’ and ‘Decentralisation’.

dApp coming soon
As mentioned above, there are a host of new features coming to the dApp in the coming weeks and months. In no particular order, here are just a few of them:

  • Dynamic Vaults
  • SREP
  • DynaFarms
  • DynaPools
  • Native Mobile UI
  • Cardano Integration
  • Additional Themes
  • User Dashboard
  • Rebranding Launchpad and Bridge
  • DAO Membership section
  • ‘Lite Mode’ for users new to Blockchain

Closing words

SingularityDAO has been on a long journey since its inception. Like many startups, SingDAO has been following the usual Silicon Valley ethos…. but in Dubai!

A number of people, in a shared hotel room, with a few other members of the DAO launched SingularityDAO to the world, with of course the support of the SingularityNET foundation.

With everything that needed to be considered, the last thing on anyone’s mind was the visual appeal and brand of SingularityDAO. The original UX was functional but with room for improvement, so one Sunday afternoon, a group of designers and developers sat down together to begin to craft the current look, feel and UX of the SingularityDAO dApp.

For the logo, there was a desire to capture the Chinese symbolism of TAO or DAO… The ethos of Taoism recalls the ideas of liquidity, fluidity and community. The imagery this creates is something that really seems to resonate with the ideas behind a DAO.

With this idea in mind while randomly discussing the concept, a sketch was created and the following day, an “unfinished, brain dump” was delivered. Well…. It turned out that very sketch became the SingularityDAO logo that has been with the platform since day 1.

However, there were a lot of difficulties applying that logo on smaller-scale visualisations (hence the need to have a separate “token logo”) and the lines made it very difficult to animate and use in certain mediums. On top of that, there had never been an actual brand guide, brand style or visual communication study. Colours were patched together according to a WordPress template, rather than to communicate what was actually needed.

So in December of 2021 it was decided to task a branding agency to deliver a new visual guide for SingularityDAO. After a meticulous study of fonts, colours, images and lines…. and an infinite round of reviews, Decoded Brand Agency delivered to us the new branding that we are launching today.

After several weeks of experimentation and internal discussion, work began on an initial wireframe and following a thorough research and comparison of many different DeFi projects, a choice was made to integrate the dApp within the homepage.

This is a very innovative approach that is currently quite rare in the DeFi space. To no longer differentiate the product from the storytelling, the tech from the marketing… SingularityDAO is one! One product, one narrative, one DAO. And this is extremely well represented by the new website. A one-stop shop for DeFi…the future of crypto wealth management is here!

Thank you to everyone, old and new who has come to join the DAO on this journey.

Welcome to the new SingularityDAO, and welcome to the Age of Dinosaurs!

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