Rejuve.AI’s RJV Utility Token Launch: The Future of Longevity Research

Haley Lowy
Published in
5 min readFeb 28, 2023

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Rejuve.AI’s Token Generation Event starts with KYC on March 1st, Launchpads on March 13th-15th and TGE on March 16th!

  • Update 3: The Contribution token for the SingularityDAO Lauchpad event has been changed to USDT(ERC-20).
  • Update 2: KYC IS LIVE NOW —
  • Update 1: We are happy to announce that our Cardano wallet linking tool is now functional at! Use this tool if you want your AGIX tokens on Cardano to count for allocations. Please link your Cardano wallet to an Ethereum wallet and enter that Ethereum wallet address during the KYC process. AGIX balances on all linked wallets will be combined for the allocation calculations. The AGIX on Cardano does not have to be staked. However, during the contribution period you’ll have to use the Ethereum wallet for USDT contributions.

Greetings Singularitarians,

SingularityNET is excited to announce the launch of the Rejuve Utility Token (RJV). Rejuve.AI is a revolutionary initiative aimed at accelerating progress toward radical healthspan extension. Rejuve.AI will improve human healthspan and lifespan by aggregating the data of millions of people around the world and applying innovative AI tools and methods, making longevity research accessible to everyone.

Rejuve.AI is one of SingularityNET’s earliest AI development and research initiatives and is now spinning off as a standalone project within the ecosystem to take health-oriented AI research and development to the next level. Rejuve.AI’s novel technological and business architecture combines AI, blockchain technology, and tokenomic incentives to create a network of individuals, clinics, labs, and researchers passionate about health and longevity, empowered to produce scientific breakthroughs in life extension.

Rejuve.AI Tokenomics

Ticker: RJV
Total supply: 1 billion RJV
Circulating supply at TGE: 66,833,333 RJV
Initial market cap: $1,002,500
Private placement rate: $0.0125
Public rate, community and DEX: $0.015
Fully diluted valuation: $15 million

RJV is designed to be a multi-chain utility token from the start. At the Token Generation Event, Rejuve.AI will mint 1 billion RJV tokens across two blockchains:
- 647,916,667 RJV-ETH tokens (64.79% of the total supply) on Ethereum
- 352,083,333 RJV-ADA tokens (35.21% of the total supply) on Cardano.

RJV-ETH and RJV-ADA will be convertible on a 1:1 basis keeping the total token supply constant at all times at 1 billion RJV— effectively allowing holders to choose which blockchain they want to use, in the same manner as SingularityNET AGIX token.

The Rejuve.AI tokenomics are designed to create shared value within the network of Rejuve.AI participants based on the primary currency and membership reward token, RJV. The Token, initially minted on Ethereum and Cardano blockchains, is the membership token of the Rejuve.AI Network and has the non-financial purpose of creating a global economy of decentralized value exchange critical for healthspan extension. The tokenomic model is intended to play a major role in guiding the global healthcare system toward a more beneficial and efficient future.

The community of Rejuve token holders will form a network, and the tokens will act as a tool allowing network participants to benefit from the interaction between individuals, researchers, longevity experts, clinicians, and SingularityNET with its array of AI tools and active AI development community, along with other relevant creators of AI or other biomedically relevant tools.

This token is earned through contributing health data in the upcoming Longevity mobile app, and the token allows users to access discounts to science-backed products and services to help enhance their health, and add more data to the app platform.

Rejuve.AI in the SingularityNET Ecosystem

The Rejuve.AI project is closely linked to SingularityNET’s decentralized AI platform, which hosts the currently implemented AI systems, and is the future home of additional AI systems for health, longevity, and data modeling. The SingularityNET Platform will be the decentralized home to a variety of AI tools used for analyzing data provided by individual members and longevity clinics within Rejuve’s network, further accelerating the development of clinical data analysis tools and AI services for generating and testing hypotheses. The first example of this will be the Bayes Expert service.

Rejuve.AI Token Generation Event

The Rejuve.AI project will hold a Community Launchpad Event prior to the token generation event, which will act as a community round. Please see Rejuve’s Token Launch Announcement blog for a deep dive into the project, tokenomics, community round, and the TGE.

The Community Launchpad Event will be held on 3 launchpads, including SingularityDAO. Details for AGIX and SDAO community participation via the SingularityDAO launchpad can be found in this blog post.

Timeline Of Events

The Community Launchpad event will kick off when the KYC process opens on March 1st, followed by Rounds 1 and 2 of contributions on March 13th and 15th, respectively, and claiming on March 16th. Don’t blink or you’ll miss your opportunities!

KYC for Community Launchpad Event:

  • 1st March 12:00 UTC: KYC Begins
  • 11th March 12:00 UTC: KYC Ends
  • 11th March 12:00 UTC: Snapshots Begin
  • 12th March: Allocations Assigned

Round 1: DAO Participation

  • 13th March 12:00 UTC: Contributions Open
  • 13th+14th March: USDT Contributions To Allocated Pool(s)
  • 14th March 23:59 UTC: Contributions Close
  • 15th March: Unassigned Tokens Allocated to FCFS Pool

Round 2: First Come First Serve (FCFS)

  • 15th March 12:00 UTC: Contributions Open
  • 16th March 09:00 UTC: Contributions Close*
  • 16th March: Snapshots End
    *Contributions will close early if allocations are filled

Token Claim Opens

  • 16th March 12:00 UTC

In order to participate, users will be required to complete a KYC/AML process. For more details on eligibility, KYC/AML, and what each of these dates and time periods involves, read the details in the Rejuve.AI announcement and SingularityDAO blog.

RJV Token 5% Airdrop for AGIX Holders

Per the Phase Two proposal, named ecosystem projects which spin off from SingularityNET will distribute 5% of their tokens to AGIX holders post launch. Details of the distribution of Rejuve tokens will be shared after the token generation event and will include AGIX holders on both Ethereum and Cardano blockchains. Details of this distribution will not be discussed during the Launchpad Community event, to avoid confusion, and will be announced once the TGE is completed. Stay tuned.

Join the Rejuve.AI Community for updates

Join SingularityNET and Rejuve.AI in the movement toward radical healthspan extension. Let’s work together to create a more beneficial and efficient future for global healthcare.

If you have questions about the Community Launchpad Event, please read the details in the Rejuve.AI announcement and SingularityDAO blog about the event, as they are the official news sources for the TGE. For any further questions, join the Rejuve Telegram or Discord channels.

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Haley Lowy

Marketing & Communication at SingularityNET… bringing about benevolent Singularity bigger-faster-better!!