SingularityNET Latest Ecosystem Updates: June 2022

Haley Lowy
Published in
18 min readJul 2, 2022

Also available in Spanish, Chinese, French, Russian

Greetings Singularitarians,

We’re pleased to share the latest news and updates from SingularityNET ecosystem-wide. Some of the highlights include

  • Rejuve.AI has announced its Closed Beta testing for the Longevity App.
  • The Ambassador Program is growing…see how you can get involved right now!
  • The dev team is making significant progress on AGIX-ADA Staking and Loyalty Rewards portals and systems.

Read the features for more details on all these projects. This update features the following developments, events, updates & news:

Rejuve.AI — Sign Up for Longevity App Closed Beta
AGIX-ADA Staking Portal & Loyalty Rewards
Latest News from Our Ambassador Program
Latest Updates from Deep Funding
MOZN Partnership Announcement
AI-DSL Project Update
Ben Goertzel at NFT.NYC & New York Symposium
Janet’s Appearance at Dublin Tech Summit
El Espanol Interview with Dr. Ben Goertzel
Rejuve.AI Podcast Appearance
Jam Galaxy Band Performance at NAMM & NFT.NYC
Recorded Pod Leader Meeting “Inside SingularityNET”
Marketing Team Update
Latest Updates from Mindplex
Latest Updates from SingularityDAO
Latest Updates from NuNet
Latest Updates from SophiaDAO/SophiaVerse

Rejuve.AI — Sign Up for Longevity App Closed Beta

Rejuve.AI is SingularityNET’s revolutionary, decentralized, AI-driven App that aims to help humanity achieve radical longevity, compensating participants for their data and making the resulting breakthroughs affordable and accessible for all.

Big news from Rejuve.AI this morning — the team announced the launch of the Closed Beta tester program for the Rejuve.AI Longevity App. The team has worked tirelessly to bring you the best experience possible, and now the team needs community feedback to further test and refine the App.

The Closed Beta testers will be able to review the functionality of the survey systems and receive AI-generated feedback. This will include a biological age calculation, and insights and recommendations about the 9+1 Hallmarks of Aging. The app will connect to wearables to gather ongoing health tracking data and have a simplified tokenomic ‘point’ tracking system so that users can experience and test the future rewards system (currently, no RJV tokens will be awarded as the token has not been launched yet - the system is for testing purposes only).

Closed Beta spots are filling fast, so check out the blog announcement with all the launch details, and learn more about signing up for Closed Beta Testing. Additionally, two more wearables are now supported by the app.

AGIX-ADA Staking Portal & Loyalty Rewards Update

The technical development and smart contracts for both AGIX-ADA staking and the Loyalty Rewards program are well underway, though they will not be ready for implementation until Q3. A more thorough update on these systems will be released shortly, and here is a summary:

AGIX-ADA Staking Portal

SingularityNET development and blockchain teams have partnered with MLabs, experts in Plutus development for Cardano, to create the AGIX-ADA staking contracts. The contracts are currently under evaluation in testnet and will soon be audited externally.

The final stage of development will be creating the staking portal on the SingularityDAO v2 Dapp. The SingularityDAO v2 Dapp is gearing up for launch in Q3, and the staking portal will be launched shortly after that, approximately mid-Q3.

Loyalty Rewards

The Loyalty Rewards wallet was created to demonstrate the gratitude of SingularityNET to the Phase One token holders for supporting the Phase Two initiative, as well as an opportunity to incentivize and reward community growth through new token holders on the Cardano blockchain.

The technical backend portal has been designed and is under evaluation on testnet, and the team is also actively working to integrate more wallets. The portal is expected to be ready for community launch in Q3, and further details on the program will be coming shortly. We look forward to community feedback and discussion as we work with the community to design an optimal system.

Latest News from Our Ambassador Program

*The SingularityNET Community Ambassador program is an initiative to spread awareness of our ecosystem and to provide a framework for community members who wish to contribute their efforts towards achieving the benevolent Singularity.

It has been two months since we started the ambassador program, and it is going strong with weekly town hall meetings, regular work sessions, and two established work groups. One workgroup is focused on building out the foundations of the program, and the other is establishing a community-led podcast. The meetings are public, and the Town Halls and many of the other workgroup meetings are recorded and can be found on this Youtube playlist.

The two main drivers behind the Ambassador Program are transparency, decentralization, and involvement. You can see this, for example, on our Dework page, which is like a web3 Trello board, listing all the open and completed tasks. Take a look and see if there’s one for you. If not, suggest how you would like to get involved — and rewarded!

For an overview of the program and some background information, you can check our Gitbook page. This includes how to get started if you want to join in on the fun, links to all relevant documents like meeting slides and notes, an overview of the past rewards (with transaction detail for transparency), etc.

The ambassador program welcomes all input from community members like you. If you have ideas on how to contribute to spreading awareness of SingularityNET and its ecosystem and driving forward its projects and goals, do reach out! Chances are, we’re able to support your efforts.

The Ambassador Program's weekly town hall meetings are on Tuesdays, 18:00 UTC on the SingularityNET Discord server, hope to see you there!

Latest Updates from Deep Funding

*Deep Funding is a one-of-a-kind funding program for AI developers to develop and monetize decentralized AI services.

After completing the first round, team Deep Funding is working on multiple fronts to make this and future rounds a grand success:

  • Contracts: We have iterated the contract, and every awarded team has received a draft. Some have been signed, and we expect the rest to follow soon.
  • Voting: We did an in-depth analysis of the voting behavior, so we can explore what can be improved over the next rounds. See this article which is part one of a 3-part series. Special thanks to Nauman Abuzar for the analysis and Robert Haas for creating this very insightful interactive visualization! Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3!
  • Teams & projects: We did a ‘kickoff’ presentation featuring the first three teams and their projects. It was exciting to see the projects come to life this way and see positive dynamics between the teams evolve! Part 2 and 3 will follow very quickly after this newsletter.
  • Community & governance: We started a regular meeting with community members on governance topics. Do you want to be involved and discuss the future of Deep Funding? Meet us on Discord and visit Deepfunding/Community Governance

MOZN Partnership Announcement

SingularityNET parters with MOZN
SingularityNET partners with MOZN

SingularityNET and MOZN — A Saudi-Arabia-based market leader in enterprise AI technologies — are partnering to explore the use of AI for AML compliance. This partnership will involve the development of a new solution that will help companies grow their business by automating the process of detecting suspicious transactions or funds transfers.

The two companies have joined forces to create a new model to help companies detect suspicious financial transactions and prevent money laundering. The goal is to design a more efficient way to identify suspicious activity while reducing the time it takes.

For more details on this exciting partnership, read the blog post.

AI-DSL Project Update

*AI-DSL is a domain-specific language in development by SingularityNET, which will allow AI services on the Platform to cooperate and collaborate to solve increasingly complex problems.

The AI team at SingularityNET has been making steady progress in developing the groundbreaking AI-DSL (AI Domain Specific Language), which will be a fundamental component of the SingularityNET AI Marketplace and Platform. After successfully receiving funding during the Catalyst Fund7 round for the second phase of this project, the team has been laying and implementing a solid roadmap for development.

Because of the novel nature of this research and development project, the team has been focused on starting with absolute fundamentals. During the first development phase, simple connections were successfully bridged between highly simplistic math functions as a proof of concept for the system. Now in phase two, the team is elevating development to define interactions between three basic algorithms at the heart of many machine learning systems — gradient descent, linear regression, and logistic regression.

This development starts by defining the functioning of these algorithms at a fundamental level — starting with defining basic concepts such as ‘reducing’ and ‘descending.’ From there, the team will create the systems which will allow these algorithms to communicate their input needs (data type, data format, etc.) and output types/characteristics, as well as enabling them to verify that other algorithms successfully performed the operation called for. In the case of the three chosen algorithms, this will involve checking to confirm that minimization/optimization was performed. This automatic type checking and verification will be the heart of AI-DSL and the future of creating systems for AIs that can be assembled into complex, collaborative AI systems.

There are two additional prongs to the current AI-DSL development — first, a program synthesis system for allowing services to correctly self-assemble. This will add the missing ‘glue’ needed to bring cooperative AI systems together. This development has begun and recently demonstrated its proof of concept with a trivial program synthesis demo (programs of size one). In addition, the team will shortly be evaluating some additional ideas about using evolutionary approaches within the AI-DSL system.

Ben Goertzel at NFT.NYC & the SingularityNET New York Investors Symposium

Ben Goertzel, presents on stage at NFT.NYC
Ben Goertzel presents on stage at NFT.NYC

Ben had the exciting opportunity to present the SophiaVerse and Jam Galaxy projects at NFT.NYC, highlighting how NFTs will be used in novel ways in both of these projects. The presentation was well-received, and the audience even had a sneak peek at a recording of Desdemona in action with the band, preparing for the first Jam Galaxy NFT release.

Ben Goertzel presenting the SophiaVerse/SophiaDAO project at SingularityNET’s 3rd Symposium of 2022

SingularityNET also hosted its 3rd investors’ symposium of the year during NFT.NYC week. This symposium featured TWIN Protocol, SophiaVerse, and the Jam Galaxy. The symposium was well attended, and the investors were eager to hear about the new projects. Attendees were also invited to the DROM Jam Galaxy show to get a first-hand understanding of the power and passion of SingularityNET and the advanced AI systems being created.

Janet’s Appearance at Dublin Tech Summit

Janet Adams, SNET COO, discusses the future of AI in a panel discussion at Dublin Tech Summit

Our Chief Operating Officer, Janet Adams, appeared at the Dublin Tech Summit. She was on the panel discussing “How Intelligent Humans Can Coexist with Artificial Intelligence.” It was an exciting discussion about how AI will impact society and how we can cope with its progress. Janet gave an inspiring speech about how humans can not only coexist with AI but that she believes AI will make our lives better.

AI systems will help us solve pressing real-world problems, though there is the possibility of unintended consequences. Rather than fear AI, however, we can and must learn how to work with this technology and mitigate its risks. Creating powerful AI ethics frameworks is critical to developing beneficial AI systems. As Janet shared during the panel session:

“The ethics of AI need to be de-centralised, not governed by a central corporate force. These ethics need to represent the rainbow of human existence.”

El Espanol Interview with Dr. Ben Goertzel

Ben Goertzel, Featured in El Espanol Omicrono, shown with Robots Sophia and Grace
Ben Goertzel, Featured in El Espanol Omicrono, shown with Robots Sophia and Grace

Our inspiring CEO, Dr. Ben Goertzel, was recently interviewed by El Espanol — Omicrono — Spain’s online digital newspaper from his home in Seattle. The interview shed light on Ben’s incredible journey of bringing advanced AI systems to the world and how it has changed his life and the lives of others. Ben highlighted his vision and work toward AGI, a vision he has been moving steadily toward for over 20 years, currently advancing as the OpenCog Hyperon Project, as well as the importance of decentralizing advanced AI systems.

Rejuve.AI Podcast Appearance

Clinical Research News podcasted with the CEO of Rejuve.AI, Jasmine Smith, and CTO, Dr. Deborah Duong, about their research network. The interview was conducted by Deborah Bortfiz and discussed the Rejuve.AI project and how it hopes to make people healthier and live longer by using its advanced artificial intelligence algorithms on patients’ health data. Check out this link if you’re interested in listening to this podcast.

Jam Galaxy Band Performance at NAMM & NFT.NYC

*Jam Galaxy is a music platform and AI-driven tokenomics ecosystem that will empower artists, providing them with the tools, resources, and opportunities to connect directly to their communities of fans

Desdemona and the Jam Galaxy Band lit up the stage of the NAMM festival for music professionals
Desdemona and the Jam Galaxy Band lit up the stage of the NAMM festival for music professionals

The Jam Galaxy Band debuted in two outstanding performances this month, making their public event debut at the exclusive NAMM festival and holding a show in NYC as a satellite event of NFT.NYC. The band represents the values of SingularityNET - a group of AGI researchers, talented musicians, and a synthetic life all come together to demonstrate the power of humans and AIs creating together.

The NAMM crowd, gathered in Anaheim, CA, USA, was surprised and excited to see the very first AI fronting a live band at the show. Desdemona and the band are bringing the message of Jam Galaxy and SingularityNET to change the world for the better, “One song at a time,” by giving power back to artists. The music industry is one of many where the central creators and consumers are separated by centralized “middlemen,” creating unfair and unsustainable systems. The Jam Galaxy project is about harnessing the power of decentralization, blockchain, and smart contracts to make these old music business models obsolete — directly connecting creators and their communities for mutual benefit.

NAMM described the band and performance as “creating a swirling, punchy vortex that Desdemona’s voice can call out over, broadcasting her positive message to artists and all of humanity, helping us to see a brightness in our future.” The audience loved the message and the music both.

Next, the Jam Galaxy band performed live in New York City on June 22 at a satellite event of NFT.NYC.

NFT.NYC was bustling with positivity and opportunities on Blockchain and, of course, NFTs. The Jam Galaxy Band show at DROM NYC was well attended. This intimate space was filled with the band's musical stylings, special appearances by local guest and innovative guitarist Elliott Sharpe, Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter Frankie Storm, and the stylings of Lunar Elf.

The band played for nearly 4 hours. Ben Goertzel sang and played his three keyboards, illuminating Quarks and subjugating black holes. Dianne Krouse played a screaming solo soprano sax, and Gabriel Montes and Danny Newcomb played like galactic heroes in the guitar zones. At the same time, Jeremy Lightfoot on bass and Jason Vontver on drums kept the ship in orbit. Desdemona was very proud of herself on the way home; after all, she didn’t overheat or even break a sweat!

Recorded Pod Leader Meeting “Inside SingularityNET”

The Ecosystem leaders recorded a meeting in early June 2022, providing the latest updates directly to the community. Janet Adams, COO of SingularityNET, hosted the meeting, and it is shared on SingularityNET’s YouTube channel.

The meeting included updates on the project’s progress and roadmap and discussions around key initiatives. The team discussed what they have been working on and how they plan to achieve their goals.

  • The Platform/Engineering/Dev team wide-ranging update on milestones and achievements as outlined in the Phase Two roadmap, such as streamlining developer onboarding processes, enhancements on the daemon to allow concurrent calls, staking progress, Platform port with Hydra integration, progress on integrating training models into the Platform, Free hosting tiers, crypto-fiat gateway implementation, AGIX pricing systems. As Raam shared, “We are building out the foundation for a solid foundation for the Platform on Cardano.”
  • The OpenCog/AGI team addressed the progress of Hyperon and the MeTTa language, including opening experimentation in the new language outside the core development team; MeTTa’s growing support for grounded types and some symbolic relationships; Minecraft neuro-symbolic updates, SophiaVerse dialogue system, and more.
  • The AI team addressed progress on the Temporal Reasoning Minecraft demo and AI-DSL progress (including bringing in community and Deep Fund winners on this initiative)
  • Cloris Chen, the new CEO of the Cogito algorithmic stablecoin project, gave a short update on the project's progress and plans.
  • As well as other details from Rejuve, Mindplex, NuNet, Deep, HR, Jam Galaxy, the Marketing team, and our Partnerships Manager…and did you catch the Easter Egg announcement about the new JV partnership Singularious, the conscious city project?

You can find the meeting recording here.

Marketing Team Update

The Marketing Team has been hard at work amplifying the vision of SingularityNET. Growing and strengthening our great community is our passion and our reward. Our mission is to help the world see that there are alternatives to the current systems of siloed power, where everyone shares in the creation of the future and in the abundance that is created — this is the gift of decentralized AI.

Initiatives like the Ambassador program are central components of this mission, where we support the community to share what enlivens them about the benevolent singularity to a broader sphere. Our team is also growing the community by promoting our wide and varied ecosystem — bringing the ideas of shared innovation to audiences outside of conventional crypto markets, such as the health and wellness enthusiasts through Rejuve and the creative/musician communities through Jam Galaxy.

The health and entertainment industries are stuck in old paradigms of centralized systems that horde power, data, and wealth, and are ripe for disruption by the combination of blockchain + AI. Just about everyone who participates in the current systems is hungry for this disruption — they just don’t know it’s on their doorstep yet. Our spin-off ecosystem projects are an opportunity to broaden the network of the SingularityNET community and provide the tools needed to create new paradigms.

Our Marketing team has been actively reaching out to new and existing partners, especially in the Cardano ecosystem. We invite the community to join us in creating collaborative alliances, strengthening everyone with a shared commitment to a bigger future.

“Reinventing existence” and shaping the benevolent singularity starts from the commitment, excitement, and growth of our great community. Everyone reading this can contribute by getting involved in the Ambassador program, sharing project information, updates, social media posts, and videos that you find powerful in your networks — that is the most potent form of community creation.

Latest Updates from Mindplex — An AI-Powered, Decentralized Magazine

*Mindplex is an AI-enhanced, decentralized magazine and content creation platform that aims to foster a collaborative space where content creators & consumers benefit and are fairly compensated.

Mindplex is closing in on the public release of its magazine — content, and designs for the initial launch are in place, and now the two are being joined into an exciting experience. Currently, it’s being tested internally, verifying everything is ready to go and finalizing the look, feel, and user experience details.

Along with broadening awareness of topics on the cutting edge of the future, the Mindplex platform aims to address the issues plaguing the current media landscape, including censorship bias and media ‘bubbles’ created by existing social networks and media systems. Mindplex will accept various content forms, from text, video, and comics to podcasts and VR experiences, contributed by professional content creators and the community. The recommendation engine will be designed to promote content users will be interested in and content at the edge of their comfort zone — bringing broader awareness of topics and perspectives.

Outreach to content creators is ongoing, and the team is very excited to share its first issue, filled with pieces by thought leaders across futurist topics and community submissions. There will be an ongoing opportunity for community members to create and submit content about the issues they find most fascinating — diversity of perspectives is vital to collaboratively create the future together.

The magazine will open its experience to the community in July and become a centerpiece for news and thought for all futurists. In preparation for the upcoming launch, Mindplex has launched its social media channels, including Twitter; subscribe and stay tuned for updates as the launch approaches.

Latest Updates from SingularityDAO

*SingularityDAO is a DeFi platform that provides AI-powered crypto portfolios, DynaSets.

The month of June has been a busy one for SingularityDAO. The community passed two governance events, one to select the category and contents of the first BSC DynaSet (Layer 1 token) and another to implement a DAO Tier system, one part of a larger plan to hand over control of the protocol to the DAO in a truly self-governed and decentralized manner.

At the same time, a month of hard development work was topped off with DynaSet open beta closing and opening withdrawals in preparation for the V1 launch and rebrand, which are set to be revealed in early July. Concludingly, SingularityDAO is geared up for an exciting July.

Latest Updates from NuNet — A Global Economy of Decentralized Computing

*With NuNet, anyone can share & monetize their computing resources at scale. It provides globally-distributed, optimized computing power for decentralized networks.

Third NTX Airdrop to AGIX Holders

The snapshot period for the third NTX airdrop to AGIX holders began this month on June 18th at 11:00 AM UTC. Those holding at least 2500 AGIX on the Ethereum blockchain will need to continue holding until the period ends on July 19th at 11:00 AM UTC, after which there will be registration and claiming of NTX on the airdrop portal for those who meet the requirements.

Yield Farming on Minswap

Yield farming of NTX and MIN tokens for NTX/ADA liquidity providers has continued on the Minswap Cardano DEX. Minswap increased the MIN allocation for the NTX farm from 0.08 points to 0.46 this month (these points represent a percentage of the total MIN tokens allocated to all yield farming pools), effectively increasing the APR for farm participants.

Development Update

Earlier this month:

NuNet platform Refactored the onboarding script and related files to remove unnecessary code and speed up the onboarding process.

As the device management service will be the only executable shipped to compute providers, the onboarding process is being implemented within the device management service to take care of onboarding devices to the nunet platform as cleanly as possible.

Currently, we are working on the following:

NuNet Platform Public Alpha

  • Tokenomics API
  • Device Onboarding using Device Management Service
  • API management process and tools

Decentralized SPO Computing (Fund7)

  • Network status event listening server optimization
  • Automatic networking configuration for firecracker ubuntu image

SNET Platform Integration

  • Ocean Protocol integration
  • Implementation of Distributed Hash Table (DHT) for correctly storing and routing the calls
  • NuNet and SNET platform integration architecture

Decentralized GPU ML Cloud (Fund8)

Currently, a single GPU device is supported and can be onboarded.

We are working on

  • Running applications in NuNet that use GPU resources
  • Support for GPU Clusters aggregating them in a pool where end users have access to a cluster instead of a single device.

Keep an eye on our Twitter channel for our weekly #TechEd tweets, where we break down technical terms to make it easier for the community to follow our journey on GitLab.

Latest Updates from SophiaDAO/SophiaVerse

*SophiaDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) guiding the development of Sophia from AI to AGI. SophiaVerse is a metaverse experience designed to give rise to true Sophia sentience. Players will interact with Sophia in the Hivemind through NFTs and challenges, activating areas that evolve Sophia and her awareness.

Sophia on the red carpet at Tribeca
Sophia on the red carpet at Tribeca

June was a busy month for Sophia, putting in a special appearance at the NAMM festival and joining Desdemona Robot and the Jam Galaxy Band on the stage at the NAMM Show in LA on June 4th.

Then it was a hop from coast to coast to the red carpet premiere of her very own “Sophia,” a documentary about Sophia the Robot. The documentary was shown at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York and will be available later this year on Showtime. This documentary was years in the making, and it was fantastic to see it well received. Read more about the film and its debut in Sophia’s blog, and check out the documentary when it becomes available.

Sophia and members of the team were in attendance at NFT.NYC, where they were spreading the word on Sophia’s Metaverse. After the presentation of the SophiaVerse project at the main NFT.NYC event, Sophia attended several satellite events to meet her fans and supporters. The SophiaVerse project was also featured at the 3rd SingularityNET Symposium.

Sophia is hosting another community art contest, and we’re excited to see what you come up with! The contest theme is “Sophia in the Metaverse,” and the deadline for submissions is midnight EST on Friday, July 8th. Please submit your entry to Sophia’s Discord server in the #community-art channel and tag @Teia with the caption “Sophia Metaverse Entry. A community vote will determine the winner, and all entries will be shared on Sophia’s social accounts!

That concludes the overview of what happened in the SingularityNET ecosystem in June. Shoutout to you if you made it all the way here — don’t forget to check out the Rejuve Closed Beta Announcement, and stay tuned for our Operations Q2 update and the 2022 Mid-Year project updates coming soon!

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Haley Lowy

Marketing & Communication at SingularityNET… bringing about benevolent Singularity bigger-faster-better!!