“Cracotte”, photo by author


All It Takes Is a Silhouette

July Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Cute Creatures”

Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readJul 4, 2024


Nighttime is for Batman… and Cracotte.

In my previous story, you met Flurk — he was the man of the house — and this is Cracotte, a cute little thing we rescued in France.

We were on our way back home (Belgium), and we pulled up at a highway rest stop to stretch our legs. We parked underneath a tree, and when we got out, we heard a high-pitched meow. In the tree, above our heads, was a white kitten with a grey tail — she couldn’t get down on her own. There wasn’t a house in sight, and it was clear that she had been abandoned.

We gave her something to eat; all we had with us that she liked, was cheese, but it was better than nothing. The plan was to take her with us until we found a good place to set her free — we were hoping on a farm somewhere in the north of France. During the day, she sat on my lap while I was driving, and at night, she slept in my sleeping bag — the cheese had done a number on her bowels, and she took a shit in my sleeping bag.

The next day we arrived in the north, but by that time I had already gotten attached to her — someone taking a dump in your sleeping bag creates a bond, you know. So we took her home with us and she lived a happy life, together with our other rescues.



Iban Van der Zeyp
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

I was born in the year of the first moon landing. I'm a visual artist, writer and photographer. That's it.