Born out of royal necessity, crafted with finesse, this delectable platter dissolves effortlessly on the tongue [Image: ©️Sanghita Pal]


Soft, Spiced, Sublime, Melt-in-the-Mouth Royalty

August Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Food”

Sanghita Pal
2 min readAug 21, 2024


Royal origins, perfected flavors, timeless taste

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The fourth Nawab of Awadh (presently the north-eastern region of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh), Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula was a prominent figure in the history of Lucknow. Under his rule (1775–1797), the city flourished as an enriching center of gastronomy, art, and culture.

One fascinating anecdote makes the rounds since generations that goes like this —

Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula was also known for his love of fine cuisine. However, when Nawab lost his teeth as age caught up, his royal chefs were tasked to create such a gourmet dish that was intensely flavorful yet incredibly soft and that Nawab could relish without chewing.

After many trials and tribulations, the Galouti kebab was born, a delicacy that has since become synonymous with Awadhi cuisine and of course, Lucknow, the city of Nawabs and kebabs.

Henceforth, it became a legendary dish in the city’s royal kitchens subsequently passing it to the common folks.

The word ‘Galouti’ means ‘melt-in-the-mouth’ and ‘kebab’ means ‘finely minced meat’ usually lamb.

I wonder what if Galouti kebabs had never been created! My taste buds might have staged a rebellion, demanding a time machine travel back to Nawabi kitchens. But what fascinates me the most is how this dish has transcended time, becoming an emblem of Lucknow’s identity.

Being a foodie who adds a layer of joy and appreciation to every gastronomic encounter, I close my eyes every time I savor it and lose myself in the moment.

For me, this is not just a dish; it is an experience, a taste of Lucknow’s soul, savored and celebrated by all.

There is no sincere love than the love of food- George Bernard Shaw

Photos and post ©️Sanghita Pal, 2024. All rights reserved♾️🙏🧿.

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Sanghita Pal
Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Writer, learner, empath~passionate about life and nature and all in between~love to recite, laugh out loud, reminisce the past, click moments, make memories