That’s the author facing the sun and the sea inhaling loads of oxygen leaving the long shadow behind her back. Image credit: Photo of the author@Travel clicked by the author’s husband


Sun, Sand, Sea, Sanghita, and Shadow

Six Word Photo Story Challenge: Freestyle

Six Word Photo Story Challenge
2 min readFeb 23, 2022


There is no light without shadow.

This is a special click close to my heart. This happened when I with my family visited Mamallapuram, near Chennai, India after the second wave of COVID got over last year.

The unrestricted view of the Bay of Bengal immediately arrested my soul. And I felt younger, lighter, and rejuvenated…inhaled loads of oxygen, removing the mask.

I felt like flying and I was captured unawares by my husband with his handphone.

They say brevity is the soul of wit. Thank you, Mary Chang Story Writer for invigorating the otherwise ‘lazy’ brain cells with such an interesting challenge. Look forward to me participating more.

In addition, I would like to invite Timothy J. Sabo, reflect.her, Cheryll MV, Andy Spears, Erika Wenstrom, Sharing Randomly, Jimmy Misner Jr., Ashley Broadwater, Diana Meresc, Mary Anne Hahn to check out this interesting challenge and participate conveniently.

Sending warmth, gratitude, and harmony to all of you!



Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Writer, learner, empath~passionate about life and nature and all in between~love to recite, laugh out loud, reminisce the past, click moments, make memories