Back to Vancouver: eBike Stanley Park Trails and the Lions Gate Bridge

Tom Gambill
SkiCat’s Earth Adventures


eBike parked
Battery Powered eBike for the day

On my second day in Vancouver this visit, I decided to try an eBike. My daughter and I rented these a few times recently on other trips and really enjoyed them. This eBike even had a throttle on the handlebar, so technically you don’t even have to peddle, however, I found that peddling was still preferable occasionally when riding around other people or in traffic as it was more intuitable to start, stop, and navigate

Lions Gate Bridge seen from the lookout in Stanley Park
Lions Gate Bridge viewed from the lookout in Stanley Park

With battery power, I figured I could ride quite a bit farther than I usually would, so I set out to cross the Lions Gate Bridge and explore the beaches and parks of West Vancouver across Vancouver Harbour. It was a little bit scary crossing that bridge on a bicycle, it is so high and windy with lots of traffic. Fortunately, there is a dedicated bike lane in both directions, though since passing is discouraged, there is a bit of pressure to ride fast or create a bottleneck of bikes backed up behind you.

Viewing area in the middle of the bridge
Viewing area in the middle of the bridge



Tom Gambill
SkiCat’s Earth Adventures

Software Engineer, Retro Hacker, World Traveler. And also: sailboats, fish tanks, nature, family, startups…