The Skills Matter origin story

Doug Ross
Skills Matter
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2018

Founded in 2003 in central London, Skills Matter is one of the largest tech communities in the world. We’ve gone from a seedling in the early noughties to a community tree of 140,000+ members of the tech community. But we want to grow into one of those giant sequoias in California, and that’s where you come in.

Our aim is to create opportunities for those in tech — whether they be developers, architects, product managers, producers, DevOps engineers, Cloud engineers, anybody! — to come together to learn and collaborate.

CodeNode is our state-of-the-art learning and community hub in central London. It was built specifically for us, giving us a leg up to best present courses, conferences, workshops and meet ups and bring the tech community from around the globe together.

But we aren’t stopping there. With tech playing such a fundamental role in the way we continue to shape our society, there has never been a better reason to extend our activities overseas. To this effect, we are now offering conferences in the US and have our eyes set on other major tech hubs across the world.

Join the Skills Matter community and get involved!

What does Skills Matter offer those in tech?

Free meet ups, where you can meet and collaborate with those in your field.

Advanced, collaborative tech courses that cover the full tech spectrum, helping you stay up-to-date on the latest concepts, tools and languages.

Some of the most popular tech conferences in the world, where major contributors to the tech community share their insights to ever-growing and ever-hungrier audiences.

Skills Casts, our free digital learning tools that let you see the latest speakers and trainers doing their thing.

Subscribe to the Skills Matter newsletter to find out about past and upcoming events, news and most recent Skills Casts.

Contribute to our blog! We are beginning to push our blog in new directions, to use it as a vital tool in connecting the tech community. Want to highlight the best way to use a particular function of Scala? Want to talk about your career in tech? We are interested in any and all article ideas as they relate to the tech community.

