A Simple Way to Make Your Learning Journey More Efficient

What if I told you I used my chest as a carpet?

Mathias Barra
SkillUp Ed


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I’ve been losing my hair for years now and learned to accept it only a year ago.

But if there’s one place where I am hairy, it’s my chest.

One of my exes found this fact interesting. She also happened to be very gullible from time to time. One day, as I had gotten out of the shower, I randomly told her I used to use my own chest as my carpet to dry my feet. She looked at me, in shock.

“You’re making fun of me again.”

I looked at her and showed her I could rub a foot on my chest (I am rather flexible). Her eyes widened and she laughed saying I was crazy. She told me I could just have just bought a carpet instead. I replied, still serious, there were no “small savings”. The conversation went on for a few more minutes. When I knew for sure she believed me, I told her it was a joke.

We laughed a lot — well, especially me. Almost 3 years later, I can still picture the scene in my head. It still makes me smile.

That’s what having fun does. It creates lasting memories.

And if you make fun a part of your learning journey, then you’re bound to remember more.



Mathias Barra
SkillUp Ed

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook → https://linktr.ee/MathiasBarra