Monthly Manifest | April 2019

Skyfleet Academy, Skywire Antenna and much more!

Skyfleet Captain’s Log


Welcome, Skyfleet!

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the April Skycoin monthly update for all the official development updates.

As we firmly entrench ourselves in 2019 the Skyfleet momentum keeps building, awareness of Skycoin continues to spread and is largely thanks to all your collective, positive work below!

Before the “Community Articles” and “Community Videos” sections grow out of control, it’s time to employ some preventative measures! I’ll now cover off some of the highlights, accompanied by a “Leaderboard” of sorts, listing the total number of articles and videos by each contributor for this month.


Brandon Koerner burst onto the CX scene (don’t say that too fast) in April. Spotting a few areas where he could lend a helping hand, CXM was born. CXM is a powerful maths library set to broaden the possibilities with CX, for more information check out this article.

April and May are CX months for Skycoin Rewards (double points) and it showed with all the amazing content. Trying not to double up what was already covered in the Skycoin community update, Fray created the below article accompanying his piece on CX’s “Hello World”.

The man who keeps on giving! The deliverer of the goods… Marco Casino showed up and didn’t disappoint with a comprehensive Skywire competitor analysis. One of his best articles to date, yet one of many great pieces this month. Skycoin and the Skyfleet thanks you for your continued excellence!

Last month’s manifest was the first in what will be a long line, a learning curve for myself, and an insight into the Skyfleet March madness!

Article Leaderboard:

The Skyfleet banded together to create 24 articles on Medium, a monumental feat! Yet I can’t help but long after 30 in one month, effectively equating to one new article every day!

Marco Casino | 8
Fray | 5
Skyfleet | 4
Lawful | 2
CryptoDiscipulus | 1
Wunderbaer | 1
Pavla Zakova | 1
Lawrence Qholloi | 1
Brandon Koerner| 1

For all the latest Skyfleet Medium articles, make sure to follow the Skyfleet Captain’s Log. Outside of Medium we saw plenty of coverage, including this Steemit article showing Lauvlad89 building his official Skyminer. documented their DIY build, read by over 5k viewers to date. FreedomDomains posted an article on detailing how to install the TP-Link AC600 USB wifi adapter on Orange Pi, Raspberry Pi, and Odroid-c2 boards.

Outreach is reaching new highs as the market hints at picking up, exciting times to come Skyfleet!


In April we finally saw Synth and the Skycoin teams endeavors at Malta Blockchain Summit 2018 (November 1st-2nd). The video itself was almost 40 minutes long, Casino broke it down to 10 for your viewing pleasure.

Fray, the man of many talents, gave us an inspiring depiction how the world and the internet can benefit from using Skywire. Looking at the video you’d be amazed to know he only used free stock footage, Imagine what he could do with access to a full library of premium footage… The mind boggles!

With over 1,000 views to date, please take a moment to share it to some of your friends, family, neighbors, and frankly… Anyone you can get in front of a screen for 2 minutes.

CorpusC posted an intriguing look at an early development 2D game editor and demoing the “Ridge Blaster” style game he’d been working on.

There will be many future updates for this, and similar game/app projects thanks to the impending launch of CX Labs, check out this article for more.

The usual monthly video update was posted on the Skyfleet channel, covering BTCPay, Skycoin Rewards, and battle bots to name a few topics.

Personally, I feel that we can, and should be doing better with our video creation. The level of quality is high, yet we’re a bit short on the number of contributors. That being said the current team deserves high praise for their continued support and original content creation.

Fray | 5
Casino | 2
CryptoHustle | 2
Skyfleet |2
Amaury | 1
CorpusC | 1
Adam Stoaks | 1

I’m excited to see our ranks grow, and I’m sure they will!

The first Skyfleet project, Skycoin’s integration with BTCPay is in full motion.

All the relevant repos are forked and synced to the Skyfleet Github. TravisCI was integrated allowing quick builds and testing to streamline the development process. A local, isolated test environment was set up with help from Olemis Lang, and both the discovery server and teller were packaged for Arch Linux.

As always if you’d like to help out you can contact @BigOokie, @moe_narrow or @MacSkyver on Telegram to lend a hand, or just voice your desire to assist in the CX Telegram room.

I’d like to introduce you to the Skyfleet Academy!

The idea is to eventually create something similar to Codewars or Code Academy. An interactive CX learning platform that guides programmers from basics to mastering the language. Obviously, this is a big picture goal! In the short to medium-term, we’re creating a learning portal hosting a range of courses covering the Skycoin ecosystem.

@skyode is leading the project with my guidance. It’s coming together nicely with the first course, “Intro to CX,” already complete. There will be a few additional courses put together, then polishing touches before we launch. Once launched we’ll open up to those wanting to create courses, and refine the ones we have.

Above are some basic images of what the UI looks like in one of the courses. There will be written, video and quiz components to each course with certificates awarded at the end of each course. Hopefully, in the not too distant future, we can integrate this with Skycoin Rewards to incentivize and gamify learning CX.

Fray, Caribou, and Casino are responsible for the above infographics.
Thanks to AskACappa for compiling the best infographics here.

The 3D printing room continues to pick up the pace with some help from Victor and Jake from Skycoin’s Chinese office. The direction of the battle/soccer bots is becoming clear with guidelines to create a ‘Template bot” that can be customized with different weapons and armour. Below is the rendering of a 3D printable, multi-directional wheel for this bot.

The 3D team has also created a range of printing tests to help determine the skill level of newcomers and the quality of their prints. Bounties for completing these tests will be available very soon.

Don't Forget the 3D Print Room Design Competition!

Until the end of May, there is a design competition for 3D printing.
All submissions MUST be added to Thingiverse Skycoin group, and the link posted in the 3D printing Telegram.

  • Prints must be Skycoin relevant, with name, or logo ect.
  • It doesn’t have to be original, can be a rework.

Synth gave us a bunch of insights into how the antenna development is progressing. 2.4 Ghz is working with speeds around 100 Mbit/s using the current settings. A comprehensive article is in the works detailing the development woes and wins Constantin, Sam and the team faced, so keep an eye out for that!

That’s everything for this month’s Skyfleet Manifest. If you think I missed something important please message me and I’ll include it in next month’s article.




Skyfleet Captain’s Log

Welcome to your blog Skyfleet! it will contain transcripts of videos, community blog posts and some post from me.