Nine Ways to Generate a Reliable Income Stream with Skycoin

How to build a steady cash flow with the Skycoin project

Marco Casino
Skyfleet Captain’s Log
6 min readMay 20, 2019


How do you make money from cryptocurrencies? With Bitcoin and most other cryptos there’s really only one option. You buy some coins or tokens and sell or trade them to somebody else, hopefully for a profit.

Skycoin is different. It’s a complex blockchain ecosystem with many working parts. Skycoin is not simply a currency to be traded on exchanges. It’s a comprehensive and functional platform designed to be actively used. This means the Skycoin ecosystem offers many ways to generate a steady income.

These are nine options you might consider.

1. Create Great Content

An example of the amazing video content created by the Skycoin community

Are you a budding artist, graphic designer or writer? The Skycoin Rewards Program hands out thousands of dollars worth of Skycoin each month to contributors who create great content to promote the platform. You could write articles, design posters and infographics, or post videos to YouTube. There are also rewards for music/audio work, 3D design/printing, and article translation. So no matter where your talents lie, the Skycoin project will reward you for your efforts.

2. Become a CX Coder

Do you know how to build applications? Maybe you’re a skilled video game designer? Or perhaps you’d like to learn a brand new programming language? The Skycoin project has developed its own fully functional, Turing-complete deterministic language called CX that can be used to create apps, games, operating systems, smart contracts, and pretty much anything else you can imagine. And with the recent launch of CXLabs, you now have an opportunity to earn thousand of dollars while putting your coding skills to the test.

3. Accumulate Coin Hours

The Skycoin Hardware Wallet

By holding Skycoin in your mobile, desktop or hardware wallet, you’ll accumulate Coin Hours at a rate of one $CH per $SKY per hour. If you hold just 115 $SKY then you’ll accumulate 2760 $CH per day, or a whopping one million $CH per year! Those Coin Hours can be traded for more $SKY, or used to pay for bandwidth, storage and computing power on the Skywire network. Coin Hours can also be used for in-app purchases within CX games and apps.

4. Run a Skywire Node (Skyminer)

An official 8-node Skyminer

By running a Skywire node, you’ll be contributing bandwidth, storage and computing resources to the world’s first global peer-to-peer mesh network. And in return, you’ll be rewarded with regular payments in Skycoin and Coin Hours. If you buy an official 8-node Skyminer for $2000 from, then you’re guaranteed the full return of your $2000 over two years, on top of the normal rewards for running a node. Alternatively, you can build your own DIY Skyminer for as little as $40. So far, the Skycoin community has deployed approximately 10,000 Skywire nodes around the world.

5. Become Your Own ISP

The Skywire Meshnet

With the upcoming launch of Skywire antennas, you’ll soon be able to make money from your spare Internet bandwidth. You could set up a wi-fi hotspot and charge Coin Hours to anyone who wants to route their traffic through your node. Or you could get together with your friends and share a single Internet connection, rather than paying for multiple services. You might even become the fastest and most profitable ISP in your neighborhood.

6. Establish a Skywire Installation Business

As Skywire marches inexorably towards global mass adoption, there will be a growing need for skilled technicians to install Skyminers and antennas around their local suburbs. Not everyone has the technical expertise or physical ability to deploy this type of equipment. In the same way that there’s a need for cable TV and satellite dish installers today, there will be strong demand for Skywire installers in the future. If you’re comfortable running cables and configuring electrical devices, then you could establish your own local Skywire installation business.

7. Launch a Project or ICO on Skycoin Fiber

Solar Panels by Solar Bankers, a company that raised funds by launching its ICO on Skycoin Fiber

Over the past few years, thousands of businesses have raised money by launching ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) on platforms like Ethereum and NEO. But now a new challenger has arrived. Skycoin Fiber is a revolutionary new platform that gives every project its own dedicated blockchain (unlike Ethererum where every project shares the same chain, leading to congestion and contention for resources). So if you have a great business idea and you need to raise funds, then you can launch your project and release your coins on Skycoin Fiber. Projects that have already launched on Fiber include Solar Bankers and MDL Talent Hub.

8. Join the Skycoin Team

Some members of the Skycoin team

Skycoin has over 100 employees around the world. Right now, the company is actively seeking skilled Content Writers, Social Media Managers, Marketing Managers, Operations Managers, Technical Writers, Software Engineers, Firmware Engineers, Circuit Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, and Industrial Designers. If you think you could contribute positively to the Skycoin team as an employee, then visit

9. Buy, Sell, and Trade

As with any cryptocurrency, you also can make money by buying, selling and trading Skycoin. You can purchase Skycoin directly from using your credit card, or you can trade Bitcoin for Skycoin on Binance, where Skycoin is ranked number 8 among Binance’s Gold Label Projects. But remember not to store your coins on the exchange, unless you’re actively trading them and you’re aware of the risks.


Skycoin is a complex and comprehensive blockchain platform that offers multiple ways to generate a steady cash flow. By contributing constructively to the Skycoin project, you can create a reliable income stream that will continue to flow even through the most depressing cryptocurrency bear markets.

This means you can finally break away from the purely speculative “pump and dump” nature of most crypto projects and become part of something truly revolutionary — a fully functional blockchain ecosystem with a working digital economy based around Skycoin and Coin Hours.

To find out more about the Skycoin platform, visit one of the Telegram groups listed below.

Sky Fiber:
CX General:
CX Labs:
CX Game Dev:
Skycoin Rewards:
Price Discussion:

The Skycoin Ecosystem



Marco Casino
Skyfleet Captain’s Log

Skycoin supporter. Not a Skycoin employee. Visit for information on the Skycoin project.