The Skycoin Infographics

A picture is worth a thousand words when it comes to describing the complex Skycoin ecosystem and its many components

Marco Casino
Skyfleet Captain’s Log
4 min readMay 27, 2019


This is a selection of infographics created by the Skycoin community. These images help to simplify the Skycoin platform and describe the complex interactions between the many components of the Skycoin ecosystem.

1. The Pyramid

Pyramids are often used to depict hierarchical structures. Here we see the Skycoin platform built upon strong foundations that include Obelisk, Fiber, CX, and the $SKY currency itself. Above this we have Skycoin’s hardware infrastructure including Skyminers, antennas and hardware wallets. And at the top we see a range of Skycoin applications including Skywire, KittyCash, the Skycoin BBS, and the various ICOs and projects running on Skycoin Fiber.

2. The Use Cases

This infographic depicts use cases for various Skycoin components. Use cases include:

Buying Skycoin from and keeping it on one of the many Skycoin wallet options.

Accumulating Coin Hours to facilitate free Skycoin transactions, and also to pay for services such as bandwidth, storage and computing on the global Skywire mesh network.

Becoming your own ISP by running a Skyminer node and earning Coin Hours for providing bandwidth, storage and computing resources to other users.

Hooking up a Skywire antenna to the Skyminer node for fast, free, uncensorable Internet access.

Building blockchain projects or launching ICOs on the Skycoin Fiber platform.

Fiber is Secured by Skycoin’s revolutionary Obelisk Consensus Algorithm.

Creating blockchain games and applications using the CX programming language.

Spending Skycoin to pay for the various CX games and apps that run on Fiber blockchains.


3. Ecosystem Flowchart

This infographic illustrates the flow of data and services between each of the Skycoin ecosystem’s components.

4. Skycoin CX Ecosystem

CX is Skycoin’s powerful new blockchain programming language. This infographic depicts the interactions between CX, Fiber, the CX Libraries, and the Skycoin currency.

5. Skywire Competitor Analysis

This infographic compares Skywire to 17 potential competitors. A detailed analysis can be found here: Skywire Competitor Analysis.

6. Skywire Model Town

This infographic shows how Skywire infrastructure might be deployed in a typical town. Antennas on rooftops allow homes to connect wirelessly to the Skywire meshnet. Mobile users connect to Skywire wi-fi hotspots. Elevated antennas on hilltops connect to neighboring towns. Backhaul links to the legacy Internet are provided by colocation centers.

7. Skycoin Utopia

This infographic depicts a utopian world running on Skycoin and Skywire.

8. Two Ways to Connect

This infographic compares two ways to connect to the Internet. The old way via expensive centralized legacy ISPs, and the new way via the decentralized and free Skywire mesh network.

9. Understanding Skywire and Skycoin

Finally, this infographic helps to explain Skycoin’s major components including Skywire, Skyminers, Antennas and Coin Hours.

If you have any questions about these infographics, or if you’d like learn more about the Skycoin ecosystem, then be sure to visit the Skycoin Telegram groups below.

Sky Fiber:
CX General:
CX Labs:
CX Game Dev:
Skycoin Rewards:
Price Discussion:

Skywire: Free The Internet



Marco Casino
Skyfleet Captain’s Log

Skycoin supporter. Not a Skycoin employee. Visit for information on the Skycoin project.