One way to get started

Introducing a single path to building apps on Slack

Slack API
Slack Platform Blog
3 min readMar 1, 2017


Build apps for people to do great work, with Slack

Previously, we had two paths to develop on Slack’s platform: you could either make a custom integration just for your team, or you could chose to build an app for public distribution through our App Directory. These two, distinct paths were useful at one time, but it ultimately meant that developers building custom integrations for their team only did not have access to the same features, like message buttons or threads, as developers building public apps.

So, starting today, instead of two paths, we’ve combined them into one, simple way to get started building on Slack, making sure you can use all our features regardless of where your app will be deployed. Here’s what you should know about this change:

Use all of our API features to build apps for your team

If you want to build an app for just your team, you can now use the full power of our platform to do so. This means you can build with message buttons to facilitate simple, intuitive workflows, use the events API to take action on specific activities in Slack, or take advantage of threads to contain conversations.

In this new flow, whenever you start building an app, by default it will be private to your team. You will also be able to immediately add the app to your team with one-click install, without ever having to setup OAuth or deal with SSL.

All apps start out private to your team

Building an App for the App Directory? Start testing it in 2 steps.

This update doesn’t just benefit those building for their team only. If you’re making an app to distribute in our App Directory, we used to require you to start by implementing OAuth, even before you could work with any of our APIs. Now, you can focus on what you are trying to accomplish first and foremost — building your app — and only once you have perfected the user experience and are ready to distribute it in the App Directory do you need to think about OAuth and your app’s onboarding experience.

Test your app by installing it to your team
To share your app with Slack’s millions of users, add it to our App Directory

Ready to get started?

We’ve built you a 5 minutes to Hello World guide so you can take this new flow for a spin. Already built something incredible on our platform? We want to hear about it. Check out our call for content and tell us your story of building on Slack.

Still want to use the previous path for building custom integrations? You can find that over here.



Slack API
Slack Platform Blog

Tips to integrate with Slack APIs to make your work life simpler, more pleasant and more productive — whether for your internal team or millions of Slack users.