Get published on this blog

Help us help you tell your story

Slack API
Slack Platform Blog
3 min readFeb 7, 2017


If you read this blog, you might remember the story of how Troops got to Series A as a Slack-first company. Maybe you learned how to automate processes and generate reports using Slash Webtasks. Or perhaps you spun up a quick Slack app using Botkit and Gomix.

Each of these stories came from founders and developers in our platform ecosystem. They came from people like you. And we want to tell more of them.

Here at Slack, we field a lot of questions from people wondering whether we’re interested in their tutorial, or how they can get published on this blog. So today, we thought we’d tell you here.

Though there are exceptions, we’re actively looking for stories that fall into two general buckets:

Building a Business

People build Slack apps and bots for myriad reasons. Sometimes it’s to try something new, or to fill a specific need in their own company. Sometimes it’s just good fun. Increasingly, it’s to build a business on Slack.

We want to share your stories about building a business on Slack:

  • The surprising backstories behind your Slack app or bot
  • The (sometimes hard-won) lessons you learned on the way to releasing the feature, designing the bot, launching the app, or raising money
  • The experiments you ran, and how their results changed the way you do things now

Here’s a good example of what we’re talking about.

Deep dives and tutorials

People want to learn about the cool things you’ve built on Slack’s platform. If you’re a developer who thinks something’s interesting, it’s likely you’re not the only one.

These stories are popular with our developer ecosystem because they’re packed with technical, under-the-hood detail that spurs ideas and helps others learn.

  • Have you solved a problem for your company with an internal Slack integration, and want to teach others how you did it?
  • Are you using Slack’s platform functionality in unique ways to help people work?
  • Did you create a tool that others can use or build upon?

A good example: this story on unfurls.

What stories are not a good fit for this blog? Like any other publication, we don’t share content that reads less like an actionable article and more like a press release — for us, or for you. We try not to toot our own (or anyone else’s) horn such that self-promotion gets in the way of deeper substance.

What next?

Thousands of developers, founders, and investors read our blog. If you want to reach them, here’s what to do next.

We’re interested in publishing new and original content, so if you’re working on a story, please send it to us before it’s out in the wild. We’ll give you feedback on whether it’s a good fit for our audience, and we might do a round or two of edits.

If you have an idea, pitch us. Please include a few sentences on the story you want to tell, along with a point-form outline of how you’d like to structure it. Let us know why you think it’ll be interesting for our audience specifically. Finally, if there’s a particular date the story needs to be published, let us know and we’ll do our best to work with it.

I’m ready. Who should I contact?

Send an email to with the subject line “Platform blog submission.” Somebody from our team will get back to you soon!

What stories keep you reading? What do you want to see more of? We’re listening @SlackAPI.



Slack API
Slack Platform Blog

Tips to integrate with Slack APIs to make your work life simpler, more pleasant and more productive — whether for your internal team or millions of Slack users.