This. Is. Slackjaw.

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3 min readFeb 5, 2016


Hello unaware follower of Slackjaw,

This is not spam. Well, not the kind you’re used to in your inbox. We do want to sell you our old cans of SPAM, however, so this is spam of a sort. SPAM spam.

Guess what? You follow Slackjaw, the preëminent collection of humor on the World Wide Web.

We’re dedicated to bringing you the ha-ha’s. Or, at the very least, a sharp rush of air from your nose, signifying mild amusement or utter disgust. Either way, we’ll take it.

Aside from a collection of our most recent articles, we wanted to share with you the Slackjaw guarantee: ASSING. This is not an acronym. We either half-ass it, or loudly and publicly bust our asses bringing you the best funny stuff on Medium. Guaranteed. And, if for any reason you find our assing unsatisfactory, well, you know where you can stick it.

This week on Slackjaw:

It inadvertently turned into Relationship Week. This was pure chance and required zero editorial effort!

Click on these:

Plus more stories from @Hi.Yes.Hello, Alison Bennett, Jennifer Smith and some other people.

Killing Hitler

It’s History Week at Slackjaw too. We wondered, “Can we have two themes?” Batman usually fights two villains. Batman believes in history. We like Batman. So that settled it.

After some uninspired back-and-forth, we landed on one of the most pressing issues of these times: Can you travel back in time and kill Hitler? Some heavyweights weigh in:

Read all these theories and dumb ideas right here. Or join in the discussion with the “Killing Hitler” tag on Medium.

Alright, our bowling lane is ready. That’s all for now.

If you think you’re funny and want to write for Slackjaw (or already do), send a fax to 877–395–1469 (this is real). Or get in touch with us some other way. That’s your problem. Look, just drop us a line or don’t, we still love you.


The Slackjaw Team

