Early Adopters S01E05 — Right vs. Wrong

Marc Gamet
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2019

Continued from previous episode s01e04: It’s been years since Amir and Mr. Lee last spoke. After Amir followed Mr. Lee to his office, they had a nostalgic reunion. But, there is something odd about Mr. Lee.

“Well, that is quite true,” Amir replied in a softer voice. “A good balance of surveillance is useful nowadays to maintain peace and security.”

For some reason, he felt awkward. He used to love hearing Mr. Lee explain his thoughts on things because he was always logical and reasonable. But that feeling of excitement had vanished. He couldn’t tell exactly why.

“I wanted to ask for your opinion,” Amir paused as soon as he saw Mr. Lee looking straight at him before continuing his sentence, “just like the old times.”

“Those were really good days,” Mr. Lee smiled slightly. “Tell me about it.”

“Y… You see, I had a friend. She got scolded because of something I did. You know I am not good at dealing with people. What should I do?”

“Do you regret what you did?”

Amir thought for a while before answering the question, “I felt a bit guilty that I got someone in trouble, but I don’t regret what I did. Does that mean I am a bad person? Like a criminal?”

“No! You are not a bad person. You will not be a criminal! You know what, Amir? Sometimes, we have to be a bit selfish to get what we want to achieve. Even if that means stepping a bit on people because they would definitely do the same to you.”

“Isn’t it wrong? Someone else got punished for something I did.”

“Nothing… nothing is wrong if what you did is something that will give you good results.”

The school bell rang. Amir immediately stood up.

“I am sorry, I will be back another time,” Amir said and walked towards the door.

“Amir, do come back soon. I would love to continue our mentorship if you want.”

Amir simply looked back at him.

“I know it’s been a while, but let’s try to put back the harmonious days, shall we?” Mr. Lee continued, breaking the awkward air between them.

Amir nodded his head in response and headed out, closing the door behind him. He walked back to his classroom then took his seat.

“I should feel happy, right? This is a trusty mentor I am talking about,” Amir thought. “But, what is this feeling?”

His thoughts flashed back to an old conversation he had with Mr. Lee when he was younger.

A younger Amir knocked on the door of the faculty room.

“Mr. Lee?”

“Come in, Amir,” as he gestured the young boy to come in.

“I… I got a classmate in trouble. She was scolded by the new Math teacher because I took her homework.”

“Why did you take it?”

“I…I didn’t want to get a failing grade,” a younger Amir lowered his head as he explained.

Mr. Lee tapped his shoulder. In response, he said, “It’s good that you wanted to maintain good grades and you know it’s always wrong to use someone else for that matter. But, sometimes, we just have to go beyond the rules to get…”

Mr. Lee paused. He looked out the window with distant eyes. Then he blinked, trying to return to his senses.

“Mr. Lee?”

“We just have to go beyond the rules to get what we want and what we deserve.”

“I’m not sure what you mean by that, sir.”

“Amir, if I were in your shoes, I would do anything to keep my grades. I would do anything to earn that recognition. I wouldn’t let people step on me. I do believe what you did was for a reason. Do not feel guilty.”

Previous: s01e01, s01e02, s01e03, s01e04

Next: s01e06, s01e07, s01e08, s01e09, s01e10

Brought to you by Slash.

Written and created by Marc Gamet and Mianne Cudal.

Story-telling Consultant: Robin Narciso.

Drawing by Faisal Arief.



Marc Gamet
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Co-Founder and Tech Director of Slash | What world are we building?