The Playful Creativity of Kink

Creating Amazing Scenes — A Class by Midori

Cassie Brighter
Our Sensual Selves


I had the privilege to attend a class by Midori — whom Dan Savage once described as “the Supernova of Kink.” Midori’s class was hosted by Trystology, a wonderful boutique female-owned sex toy store in Ventura, CA. The owner of Trystology, Roylin Downs, was thrilled to host this event. “Midori gives you tools to communicate what you want, negotiate mutual goals and get creative about play ideas,” Roylin said.

Midori listens as Roylin Downs explains her “one orgasm a day” philosophy.

Titled “Creating Amazing Scenes,” the class focused on the negotiations and conversations that help us enjoy Kink in the best possible way.

This kind of skills are helpful not only in the bedroom, but the boardroom as well, so these techniques have broad appeal and use.

Midori first brought up some thought-provoking points about the existing models — the sometimes awkward, sometimes overly-clinical “check your boxes” conversations used to find commonality of interest and mutuality of kink. From the language of the 1970s gay scene (“top or bottom?”) to the Kink-site and dating site forms, to the various Consent Conversations, there is the good, the bad and the ugly.

I must say that, in my not-so-humble opinion, Midori’s approach blows all of that away.



Cassie Brighter
Our Sensual Selves

Activist. Public speaker. Writer. Community Organizer. Mom. Creator & Host, Empowered Trans Woman Summit. Managing Editor,