Top 10 Home Based Business Habits Every Solopreneur Should Have

Susan Bell
Published in
5 min readAug 4, 2020

Here’s How To Excel in Solopreneurship

Nowadays, to run a successful home based online business, one needs immense courage and dedication. If you’re a visionary, but struggling to stay afloat in the ocean of challenges that’s heading your way, you must develop some positive habits to open doors to innovative home based business opportunities.

Planning to go solo? Let’s gear up with the basics, then.

Who Is A Solopreneur?

A solopreneur is an entrepreneur who builds, runs and works on their business over a long period of time. Solopreneurs are ultimately responsible for any success (or failure!) as they execute all plans on their own.

In the United States, almost 30.2 million small businesses have been reported in 2018. In fact, among 73% of all businesses in the US, approximately 60.1% of small businesses are home based with sole proprietorships.

Here are 10 home based business habits a solopreneur should adopt to keep their business up and running.

Here’s How To Excel in Solopreneurship!

1. Be Confident

If you believe in yourself that you have what it needs to be a solopreneur, then you have to move forward with confidence. Confidence is the primary building block. Self-doubt and indecisiveness can weaken your foundation and stand as a roadblock on your journey

Today, there are many home based business opportunities you can choose from. Your approach to everything will facilitate success when you have confidence.

So, be confident, jot down your ideas and start your business.

2. Seek Your Desire

A popular quote by Napoleon Hill is “The starting point of all achievement is desire.”

Desire is a key ingredient to your solopreneur mindset. You have to think about your core desires and passion.

  • Why do want to start your own business?
  • What do you want to achieve?
  • Do you want to be your own boss?

By connecting your entrepreneurship endeavours with your true underlying desire, you can make informed decisions and take action with a greater purpose and clarity.

3. Don’t Believe Everything You Hear

When you are an aspiring solopreneur, you will stumble upon a lot of advice from many people including your friends and family. It is absolutely crucial that you are able to differentiate between the wheat and the chaff.

An astounding number of businesses were doomed to failure, yet, they have now become multimillion-dollar businesses.

For instance, imagine Steve Jobs listening to people who doubted his ideas! In reality, he did face such situations, yet he continued to pursue his plans and revolutionized the brand, Apple.

To create a strong ground for yourself, make good judgment, be determined, and always keep track of your finances.

4. Develop Skills & Power Through

No matter what type of online business you want to pursue, you need to gain relevant fundamental and complementary skills. You need to offer value to your customers and clients in order to stand out. Therefore, broadening your skillset is very important.

Yes, it will take time and effort but it will aid in your success.

As a solopreneur, you have to face challenges. You can get discouraged and have a temptation of quitting. But to become successful, know how to power through that bad times and believe that there is going to be light at the end of the tunnel.

5. Achieve Consistency

Things will not always go according to plan. So, whether you struggle or not, you must stick to your plan and be consistent. Even slow progress is better than no progress.

If you put success in a graph, it is not a perpetually upward line. It’s a saga of ups and downs, achievements and mistakes.

Only through consistency, you can detect patterns and identify adjustments which will help you to create a strong foothold for your business.

online entrepreneur, home base business opportunities, entrepreneurship and home business, entrepreneurship business plan
Photo by STIL on Unsplash

6. Let Tech Increase Your Efficiency

In today’s technological world, there are many free (and paid) apps that will help you complete your tasks in a reduced amount of time. Therefore, automating certain operations in your business can help you maximise efficiency, save time, and improve performance.

You can start with marketing automation, for instance! You can also manage and keep track of your daily tasks by using apps such as Todoist or Toggl.

At the end of the day, all of these will also help you devote more time and energy to focus on the more important aspect of your online business.

7. Be Amicable with Your Schedule

It is a huge advantage if you can make a schedule that you can respect and be friendly with. It is very important that you plan and make a schedule of your daily tasks and assign a certain amount of time for every task. You may decide to use a time blocking journal. The Mastery Journal is a great tool to block work time from Free time and get a lot done.

You can set a 100 day goal and stay organized and get things moving. Using The 100 day Goal Journal or Freedom Journal are two perfect tools for that.

Remember, these days, time is more important than money. And as a solopreneur, you paddle your own canoe. So, be organized and manage your time well.

9. Be Your Own Boss

What exactly does it mean when it comes to this statement: “Be your own boss?”

Well, simply put, it’s being in control of yourself and your business, the freedom to call your own shots, and working on your own terms.

Many successful solopreneurs have emphasized different aspects of being a solopreneur. One common point that they all agree on is to stay motivated no matter what.

So, how to stay motivated?

Keep tabs on your short-term goals. Follow a strategy but don’t be too harsh on yourself. Reward your efforts by taking a coffee break and have a piece of your favorite cake (maybe chocolate!) in your favorite cafe.

10. Take a Break Once In a While

Don’t forget to take a break from your daily tasks and catch a breath.

Without a proper work-life balance, all your endeavours could come crashing down. As we are all human, we can over exhaust ourselves and melt the fuse on our creative lightbulb. That’s where the journals help keep you on track.

Set yourself one milestone at a time and work to achieve them. Then take a small break to relax, celebrate a little and get back at it again!

Wrapping Up

Being a solopreneur is not easy at all. Firstly, you have to generate an idea and sketch an entrepreneurship business plan and then you can work on expanding your idea on how to achieve your goals going solo.

These 10 tips or habits are not quick remedies. You have to match your business with your lifestyle and adjust to those lifestyle changes. See if you have some bad habits and then give yourself time to turn them into good habits. Once you do you’ll be on the right track!

online entrepreneur, home base business opportunities, entrepreneurship and home business, entrepreneurship business plan



Susan Bell

Inspirational writer, and business coach. Starting each day with a handful of sunshine & willing to share it with you.