#SNCEXDAY: our first 10 years.

S'NCE Group
S’NCE Group
Published in
9 min readAug 5, 2022

2022 is a very special year indeed.
We have reached an important milestone: 10 years of operation.

10 years of increasingly challenging objectives and experiences acquired with the aim of expanding and improving our skills and enriching the professional background of our employees. Because it is people and skills that we’re actually talking about.

In 2012 the idea behind S’nce Group was to create an open-minded agency which could be recognised both for its ability to find innovative solutions thanks to high-level skills, and for the great humanity, passion and professionalism of the people who would work there.

2012: Our foundation.

But how did S’nce Group come to be? Our foundation became official with the installation of the first limited edition “Danilo Gallinari” toy basket in a small office in Bioggio, Switzerland. To be hired you had to pass the basket test!

Alongside the company, a new professional duo was born, that of Marco and Carlo Speroni, who until then had “only” been brothers. Marco has an academic background, an artistic and visionary soul, while Carlo has a pragmatic managerial background, oriented towards business and public relations. They are united by a depth of thought and a scrupulous mindset, as well as the desire to start their own business based on the human values with which they both grew up.

Launching S’nce Group together meant combining an academic approach with the management skills typical of large companies. A mix of skills above all absorbed by our first hires and which over the years have been transmitted to all members of our team.

The growth.

Since then, every brief is a new challenge, every race is a victory . When you work hard, you’ll soon see it starting to pay off.

Important international customers began to recognize a lot of professionalism, tenacity and enthusiasm in our young company and therefore entrusted us with their projects.

Our agency grew, as it still does today, thanks to the best promotion tool available: word of mouth. Companies from all over Europe began contacting us and in three years we’ve seen growth of almost 300%, which makes every effort worth it.

But while growth is a given, it’s also about change, or rather an ability to adapt. “Be comfortable with being uncomfortable” someone once said.

There was only one way forward, and that was to ride this wave evolution without getting lost in it, working on the solid foundations of S’nce Group: human capital.

We’ve begun to make the first major investments in team training, sometimes even giving up certain projects in order to give everyone some time dedicated to learning. The consolidation and addition of new skills will indeed be a key to success in the years to come. As the first hires begin to fill managerial roles, the mindset of S’nce Group is solidified and it becomes easier to transfer to new hires.

As part of all this however, there was a need for more space for more desks, and so in 2015 the offices moved from Bioggo to Stabio. During the selection process, not only do we look for profiles that bring competence to the company, but also diversity, a value which helps to push us to think differently and outside the box. In a model like ours, everyone can make their own contribution and what matters is finding the best solution for the project or for the customer while respecting the company’s human values, which represent another criterion in our selection process.

Teams evolve, workflows are formed and skills are consolidated. Today these skills are divided per Business Unit and integrated with each other via a scientific approach, a scrupulous and structured mindset of employees who are curious and passionate about their work. These BUs cover data-driven analysis of eCommerce strategies , UX/UI , eCommerce development and Headless platforms , creativity , social media and digital advertising. The services requested by regular and new customers are increasingly varied and in recent years a traditional marketing divsion has been created.

2020 was the year of our ISO 27001 certification, which establishes our reliability in the management of information security. This certification demonstrates our commitment as a partner in the management of any type of data related to digital projects, as well as a guarantee to our customers of our competence and continuous development in this field.

The pandemic and the Great Place To Work award.

In that same year we were also able to cope with a pandemic thanks to a functional business continuity that allowed us to work remotely. It was at this moment that our “Far away but together” campaign began, where every employee got involved and, after changing out of their pyjamas they had been wearing for 3 weeks in a row, filmed and shared their quarantine routine.

In 2021 we were certified as a Great Place to Work and we received a Best Small Workplaces Switzerland award. This was a hugely satisfying moment for the whole company, as it confirms how successful our strategic approach and our grounding have been. Or maybe it was the super fresh porcini mushrooms harvested by Carlo that raised the satisfaction level of our employees? Being given mushrooms by a true “funghiphile” is a gesture of love that certainly has not gone unnoticed.

S’nce Group today.

Today S’nce Group is a team of 60 people, a full-service digital agency with partnerships and collaborations across Europe and in multiple markets, for medium-large projects and with a particular focus on the world of eCommerce. We have a data-driven approach to communication, designing and developing online business strategies through an in-depth analysis of market data.

Marco Speroni, Founder & Head of Strategy @ S’nce Group

“They’ve been 10 wonderful years, with many challenges and many highlights. It’s nice to see that, after all this time and after a lot of growth, we’ve still kept the same values we had from the start, when there were only five of us: enthusiasm, curiosity, respect, and transparency. This is the aspect we are most proud of and which has also been recognised by our customers, who have accompanied us in our growth over these past ten years.

It’s extremely difficult to maintain a family atmosphere and pay attention to interpersonal relationships when inevitably you have to incorporate the structures and processes that a company requires.

Last year we received both a Great Place to Work and a Best Small Workplaces certification, a sign that the joy of being part of S’nce Group is not only shared by me and Carlo, but also by everyone. Our goal for the next few years however is to continue growing without jeopardising our identity and the quality of the services we offer.”

- Marco Speroni

Carlo Speroni, Founder & Head of Business @ S’nce Group

“When I think of S’nce Group, I think of the people who make it up.
I think of their faces, their way of walking, their favourite food, what makes them different. I consider my experience of S’nce Group to more than just a journey, but an adventure, as unexpected as it has been wonderful, which largely started from one of Marco’s ideas and which I decided to fully embrace.
We started with our heads on our shoulders, yet still with the awareness of the risks that come with starting and running a company. We didn’t know where we would end up and which path we would take; we had strong technical and managerial skills and experience, but we didn’t know what response there would be from the market.

Crossing the 10-year milestone was an exciting moment for me : going from being a manager of multinationals but always an employee to a business owner was a change that had the potential to be scary, but which has completely paid off thanks to everything I’ve absorbed from the people who have passed through S’nce Group since 2012. Together with Marco, our colleagues and the collaboration of our customers and suppliers, we have been able to build something unique which fully reflects our work ethic and our values as human beings.

The thing I am most proud of is that, despite the company’s growth, we have managed to maintain our way of life and doing business alive and well right up to the present day, and maintaining this will be a challenge for the years to come”.

- Carlo Speroni

Our company has thrived and still thrived on people, their experience, their know-how and comparison skills, their ability to solve problems and, above all, their ideas.
We have evolved, but we have not changed: we still in ourselves the same enthusiasm and the same tenacity that motivated us from the very beginning.

For this very reason, on 13 May we celebrated our 10-year anniversary with a special day dedicated to our FOREVER YOUNG spirit.


An unforgettable day, which started with team-building activities in the afternoon and concluded late in the evening with some wild moves on the dance floor and games of table football and trying our luck on the punch machine.
Yes, the punch machine… because for one evening we all returned to our childhood and discovered the genuine enthusiasm that distinguishes the way we work in the childish delights of a real funfair.

The location at Docks Lugano was completely packed with activities, games and decorations designed by our creative team and enhanced by the food trucks serving street food to suit all tastes. The huge Game of the Goose board at the entrance was the real star of the team-building activity, which saw 8 teams compete in a race that went down to the very last box!

Come evening, seeing how many people were carried away by the Forever Young spirit was a real endorphin hit, with more than 300 customers, suppliers and partners coming from all over Europe to celebrate with us.On their faces you could see their delight at being part of such an important achievement. For us, the pride and satisfaction was almost palpable.
All signs that show how S’nce Group truly is something unique, a common thread that unites many different realities in a mix of passion and skills that for one evening turned into a moment of care-free fun for all.

On https://xday.sncegroup.ch/ you can see all the photos from the party. For those wishing to share them, don’t forget to tag (and follow) our social channels on Instagram , Facebook and LinkedIn .

Thank you!

“We thank all those who have believed in us: our employees, customers, partners, suppliers and all the people who have contributed to making this achievement possible. We want to consider this anniversary just one stage in the journey we have undertaken, and we are certain there are many others milestones still to be achieved.”

Carlo and Marco Speroni, founders of S’nce Group.



S'NCE Group
S’NCE Group

Meaningful difference. Digital Experience Design Agency.