Announcing the Snip-Bancor Airdrop 🚀

Rani Horev
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2017

Hello, Snip and Bancor communities!

Two weeks ago we announced that Snip is integrating the Bancor Protocolâ„¢ and joining the Bancor Networkâ„¢ for decentralized liquidity. This was an important step in making SnipCoin easier to use and encouraging buyers to hold their tokens in the Snip ecosystem.

In order to kick things off, we’re excited to announce a special launch airdrop that will provide all BNT holders with SnipCoins, and vice versa, so that both communities can experience first hand how easy it is to convert these tokens thanks to the protocol.

In 48 hours, Oct 18, 20:00 UTC, we will automatically send 450 SnipCoins to any wallet holding at least 300 BNT, no questions asked. At the same time, we will automatically send 1.5 BNT to any wallet holding at least 2 ETH worth of SnipCoins, again with no questions asked. If you’re quick, you can even get both rewards!

Why are we doing this???

A key goal of SnipCoin is to engage a large audience and turn them into early adopters of the Snip ecosystem. By adding thousands of BNT holders to the Snip network, we hope to reach many more people at an early stage and turn them into real Snip believers.

You can check your eligibility for the SnipCoin and BNT airdrop on the Snip website, and find out how far you are from being able to take part. If you need more tokens, don’t despair! You still have until October 18, 20:00 UTC.

Happy AirDrop! 🚀



Rani Horev
Editor for

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