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Bits and pieces about anything and everything. Usual topics from unusual perspectives. Information you can understand. We explain things in a storytelling style. Want to write for us? We’re looking for authors so check the homepage for details!
Note from the editor

Welcome to Snipette! We are a publication with a wide range of articles, from many different authors around the globe. We are not currently publishing articles, but our entire catalogue is available to browse. To learn more, read our introduction letter by clicking on the ‘about’ button above. We also have a website, so please take a look!

Go to the profile of Badri Sunderarajan
Founding Editor
Badri Sunderarajan
Books reader, Websites coder, Drawings maker. Things writer. Occasional astronomer. Alleged economist. Editor@Snipette.
Go to the profile of Manasa Kashi
Founding Editor
Manasa Kashi
Full-time student. Part-time writer. Amateur musician. Professional eater. Obsessive stylist. Compulsive reader. Editor@Snipette.
Go to the profile of Nia
Associate Editor
Go to the profile of Akil Ravi
Associate Editor
Akil Ravi
Go to the profile of Rhea
Assistant Editor
I read too much and write too little
Go to the profile of Diya Raj
Diya Raj
Go to the profile of Dee L
Lead Artist
Dee L
Illustrator/Editor for Snipette
Go to the profile of neel
Development Editor
Go to the profile of Sabyasachi Saikia
Go to the profile of Shalom Gauri
Go to the profile of Prateek Vasisht
Prateek Vasisht
Management • Design • Lean • Football • www.prateek.co.nz
Go to the profile of Tarek
Web Creator, Photographer, Musician
Go to the profile of Aashutosha Lele
Aashutosha Lele
College-going student, interested in politics, science, and occasionally some philosophy. Amateur socialist.
Go to the profile of Thuận Sarzynski
Core Author
Thuận Sarzynski
SDG Warrior, World Citizen, Capitalist Hippie, Scientist, Polyglot, Storyteller, Writer, Earthling, Tree Hugger, Food Lover, Adoptee & Otaku
Go to the profile of Siddharth Murali
Siddharth Murali
Research student and wanna-be writer. I write fiction, haikus, poems and occasionally, a philosophical piece.
Go to the profile of Theresa Soley
Go to the profile of Aubrey Norwood
Aubrey Norwood
Wandering and alive
Go to the profile of Paul Cathill
Core Author
Paul Cathill
I love to write - flash fiction, short stories, essays, historical articles, books. Anything that can be written I want to try to write it.
Go to the profile of Sidharth Jain
Sidharth Jain
Science student, in love with space, robots, rockets, and cars!
Go to the profile of Abbey
Core Author
I’m a food scientist by PhD, a science writer, and a YouTuber. I’m fascinated by food science and enjoy writing and sharing what I’ve learn.
Go to the profile of Ryan Reudell
Ryan Reudell
Writing about philosophy, writing, self-mastery, politics, and mental health with no pulled punches. I read about 100 books a year & take notes on all of them.
Go to the profile of Melanie Fairhurst
Go to the profile of Bayleigh Murray
Bayleigh Murray
Former lab rat writing about science and nature. Click the link for a full portfolio of work: http://tinyurl.com/2nphtb7p
Go to the profile of Phillip Shirvington
Phillip Shirvington
Phillip has an MSc from the University of Sydney and attended Stanford University. He became a scientist, diplomat, CEO and writer. He lives in San Francisco.
Go to the profile of Lindsay Gray
Core Author
Lindsay Gray
Neuroscientist & cellist. Explorer of the weird wonders of the human brain.
Go to the profile of Kael Lascelle
Kael Lascelle
Hey! I’m Kael, a 17-year-old Activator at The Knowledge Society. I’m looking forward to learning about developing technologies that are changing the world.
Go to the profile of Pam Lazos
Pam Lazos
environmental lawyer, writer of the eco-thriller, Oil and Water, and Six Sisters, a collection of novellas, water ninja, striving to live sustainably.
Go to the profile of LW
PhD in ecology and pollinator health, breaking down big ideas in science and sharing new research with all.
Go to the profile of Bianca
Core Author
Writing about the science and symbolism of plants, and sometimes other things.
Go to the profile of Sam Westreich, PhD
Sam Westreich, PhD
PhD in genetics, bioinformatician, scientist at a Silicon Valley startup. Microbiome is the secret of biology that we’ve overlooked.
Go to the profile of GlenQ
Full-time engineering student + part-time writer. I write articles that I hope can be an educative and enlightening experience 🖋🧲
Go to the profile of Nicole Cooper
Core Author
Nicole Cooper
Self-reflections, sports, fitness, health, travel, living abroad and social commentary that may come with a splash of contrarianism. Twitter & IG @_nicolecoop
Go to the profile of Maths and Musings
Maths and Musings
a ‘mathmo’ at cambridge. Most my time is now on my start-up, but I hope you enjoy these writings, a lot of care went into them. https://twitter.com/MathmoThe
Go to the profile of Anirudh Kanisetti
Anirudh Kanisetti
History, geopolitics, science. I host the only Indian podcast that explores the complexity of ancient India. bit.ly/EchoesOfIndia
Go to the profile of Manuel Brenner
Manuel Brenner
Postdoctoral researcher in AI, neuroscience and dynamical systems. Connect via LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/manuel-brenner-772261191
Go to the profile of Luca Silipo
Luca Silipo
I am an economist and author dedicated to finding applicable solutions to achieve social sustainability while preserving economic growth.
Go to the profile of Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller
A culture writer, I enjoy tugging at the sacred, profane, and prosaic threads that shape behavior and belief.
Go to the profile of Anita Rao
Anita Rao
I seek the extra in the ordinary.
Go to the profile of JZL CK
Psy-enthusiast, Content creator, Cinephile
Go to the profile of Prerita Chawla
Prerita Chawla
Writer| Biology undergrad | Feminist |Finding the wackiest neuroscience, behaviour and psychology anecdotes for you each day.
Go to the profile of A Renaissance Writer
A Renaissance Writer
I love all things Italian Renaissance, cooking and writing. I can often be found reading, drinking espresso and working on too many things at once
Go to the profile of Alan Jones
Alan Jones
Technology, data science and programming
Go to the profile of Sahasra Pokkunuri
Sahasra Pokkunuri
I’m 17 and like writing and reading, but more writing.
Go to the profile of Aaradhana Natarajan
Aaradhana Natarajan
Biology and Psychology student with a penchant for reading, writing and running. Usually found watching sci-fi movies or with my nose buried in a (note)book.
Go to the profile of Zoë Poulsen
Zoë Poulsen
Botanist, freelance writer and conservationist based in Cape Town at the heart of South Africa’s Cape Floristic Region. https://www.capetownbotanist.com
Go to the profile of Mridula Sugumar
Mridula Sugumar
A dream believer, a truth seeker, and an avid bookworm. I am always looking forward to finding out more...most of the time.
Go to the profile of Samhita Pokkunuri
Samhita Pokkunuri
Hi! My name is Samhita Pokkunuri, I am 16-years-old, and I am passionate about mathematics, robotics, and machine learning!
Go to the profile of Aryan Jha
Aryan Jha
Student interested in Reinforcement Learning.
Go to the profile of Zia Steele
Zia Steele
Drawing the lines between reality and fiction…and then blurring them appropriately.
Go to the profile of Skanda Vivek
Skanda Vivek
Senior Data Scientist in NLP and advisor
Go to the profile of Andreas Verbruggen
Andreas Verbruggen
Aerospace Engineering student. Interested in space exploration, AV’s and technology.
Go to the profile of Rania Hashim
Rania Hashim
16 | growing
Go to the profile of Jesús Vila
Jesús Vila
Scholar, Education Consultant, Social Projects Developer, Branding Consultant.
Go to the profile of Naton Anlin
Go to the profile of Gary Hartley
Gary Hartley
Writer of different things. Come for the insects, stay for the odd literary works, or vice versa. @garyfromleeds https://medium.com/insectsandthat
Go to the profile of Anthony David Vernon
Anthony David Vernon
*insert bio that lists things I have done but not in a way that is too stiff because I want to come off cool*
Go to the profile of Jon Simon
Jon Simon
ML Engineer @Google, writing about both the technical and the frivolous
Go to the profile of Martin Fone
Martin Fone
Martin is a blogger and writer. His blog can be found at https://windowthroughtime.wordpress.com and his website at https://martinfone.wordpress.com
Go to the profile of Sejal jain
Sejal jain
I'm a student , found interest in writing and want to explore more . I believe " write it when it comes "
Go to the profile of Gabriel A. Silva
Gabriel A. Silva
Professor of Bioengineering and Neurosciences, University of California San Diego
Go to the profile of Shama MS
Shama MS
Curiosity never actually killed the cat, that’s my take and I’m sticking to it. A voracious reader and a coffee aficionado with a strong desire to learn more.
Go to the profile of Kamala Mukunda
Go to the profile of Anirudh Kulkarni
Anirudh Kulkarni
Curious about science and about sharing science. Check out my website here → https://anirudh-kulkarni.github.io
Go to the profile of Mike Alexander
Mike Alexander
France based freelance writer with a passion for the environment and quirky cultural history. http://mediumauthor.com/@mikealexander wordseeker46@yahoo.com
Go to the profile of Deesha
Go to the profile of Joseph Nightingale
Go to the profile of Fadlan
Freelance Writer and The Founder of Sophia Institute
Go to the profile of Sam Quillen
Sam Quillen
Former linguistics student; current investment bank analyst who sometimes thinks about something other than spreadsheets
Go to the profile of Matthew Lucas
Matthew Lucas
Software developer from the UK. Trying my best to make complex ideas simple.
Go to the profile of Rithvik Jandhyala
Rithvik Jandhyala
Highschooler, Aspiring Physicist, Computer Science Enthusiast, Guitarist, Photographer
Go to the profile of Chelsea Iversen
Chelsea Iversen
author, The Witches at the End of the World
Go to the profile of Avi Loeb
Avi Loeb
Avi Loeb is the Baird Professor of Science and Institute director at Harvard University and the bestselling author of “Extraterrestrial” and "Interstellar".
Go to the profile of Will Fahie
Will Fahie
2022 Oxford Undergraduate studying physics. Fascinated by science and technology. Sharing my findings with others.
Go to the profile of Manas Bhardwaj
Manas Bhardwaj
SEO Content Writer | Let’s build a robust connection on LinkedIn ➡️ http://linkedin.com/in/manas-bhardwaj-seo-content-writer
Go to the profile of Nevin Katz
Nevin Katz
Developer at EDC. I write about web development and biology. Subscribe at https://buttondown.email/nevkatz for article roundups.
Go to the profile of River D'Almeida, Ph.D
River D'Almeida, Ph.D
Follow me for bite-sized stories on the latest discoveries and innovations in biomedical research.
Go to the profile of Nibir Nivedan Saikia
Nibir Nivedan Saikia
Just a newbie in writing, Love to Experience the reality, Listens to Rock songs and chill, Basketball player, Tries to express poems which are interesting to me
Go to the profile of Thakshila Wijesinghe
Thakshila Wijesinghe
BSc.Agri(sp biotechnology) UG | G17 University Coordinator University Ambassadors Consortium