Go to So Sciety
So Sciety
Where science, medicine, and culture meet Main Street. If Marie Curie, Jonas Salk, Virginia Woolf, and Harry Truman met for lunch today, what might they talk about?
Note from the editor

How do we approach change? Rational inquiry applied to investigations of the unknown, what we know as “research,” has brought us myriad benefits, among them: longer lives for many; the disappearance of some of history’s most dreaded diseases; deeper understanding of the minute and vast scales of nature; an opportunity to address climate change; the green revolution; and new methods of producing energy. With scientific illiteracy rampant, however, waves of scientific and medical knowledge often arrive on society’s shore with a crash. Technology continues as a disruptive force. Here, we will examine those collisions and ponder the consequences of the interaction.

Go to the profile of Kitta MacPherson
Kitta MacPherson
A science journalist and essayist, Kitta teaches journalism and writing at Rutgers University.
Go to the profile of Kitta MacPherson
Kitta MacPherson
A science journalist and essayist, Kitta teaches journalism and writing at Rutgers University.