Resilient Hearts and Stretch — y Souls, June 22nd — 29th, intuitive report

Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars
7 min readJun 21, 2024
Photo by Emme Kearns on Unsplash

The energy for the fourth week of June in the Soap Opera of the Stars is “resilience”

I am an intuitive coach and this is my energy report for the 22nd to the 28th of June.

At the end of this report, I will be including a download from the guides on how to reset your energy to align best with what is unfolding. So do engage with that section of this report.

The guides are saying resilience is not about strength or force. resilience is about how stretch-y you are willing to be. I am seeing the image of an elastic band being pulled wide and it popping back into place but a little more stretched out than when they started pulling it. The ability to be stretch-y is also about how flexible you are willing to be and I’m being shown tall trees being bent here and there in the wind.

So that is what this week is going to be about — learning or rather downloading the energy that allows us to be stretch-y and all of this of course towards the aim of being a leader that creates trust based systems and not control based ones (read the report for the second week of June). So let’s look at the components of stretch-y-ness or resilience

Being lit up about what you are doing. In the Gita, there is talk about putting in the best you can, without consideration of the outcome. The guides are saying, that is only possible when you are lit up about what you are doing. Anything that is done out of obligation or pressure or a means to an end is an effort towards an outcome and will drain you of energy.

When you are lit up — about yourself, your life, your contribution then your effort is made for the effort itself. The outcome is a preference, but it doesn’t impact the present moment which is all about enjoying the action. They are saying that living life this way is a form of surrender, it is being fully in the present and it adds value and energy to your system.

If you look at resilience as being able to stick with things, then feeling lit up about yourself and your life is key.

They also want to make a key differentiation here — they are talking about acting from being lit up within, about yourself and your life, not necessarily your work. They are saying that the most mundane job can feel like a blessing when you are lit up within and doing it with that level of joy in your heart.

Being a Master in what is unique to you. In the report for the month of June, the guides spoke about the four stages of learning. And then in the report for the first week of June they discussed the importance of being a Master. Here they are saying that part of being stretch-y and resilient is the willingness to choose experiences just so you can become the Master of what you have come here to learn.

And here they are showing me repetitive patterns, not the pretty ones we see in nature. The ones you see repeating in your lives. The guides are saying you often become disillusioned when you see these repetitive patterns because you feel that you are failing at learning the lesson. But what if you were to see it as the practice needed to gain Mastery?

They want to make another distinction here — there are people who keep repeating the same pattern without awareness and therefore with no change — within themselves. This is not what they are talking about. They are speaking to you where you are aware of your patterns, you work on levelling up and then you find the pattern repeating — this time even more challenging.

This is because you decided that in this lifetime you were going to gain Mastery over the pattern. You were determined that this would be the last Earthly lifetime struggling with this aspect of your human existence and so you signed up for a PhD. And yes, some of you have signed up for multiple PhDs. And therefore you encounter these patterns which get more and more complex. Until you completely detach from them. You see them, you no longer judge them, you are no longer affected by them, you no longer care whether they stay or go.

You become so clear within yourself about what you want and so trusting of the benevolence of life that the pattern loses its power to shake you from you center. And this is then another aspect of being stretch-y, of being resilient.

And since we are speaking of leadership — can you imagine what a powerful leader this would make. One who is no longer triggered by the people they are leading, because they have achieved mastery over the patterns that trigger them.

And if you were to see your experiences this way, would you not be delighted at the higher level challenges — just like you are at learning new subjects that you have chosen to be your speciality in human school?

Being your own coach. Let’s look at the definition of a coach. A coach addresses how you think and provides the space for you to find your own answers. A coach urges you to push beyond your comfort zone and boundaries and provides the space to think through the insights that enable you to go beyond. A coach holds you accountable to what you have committed to do to move in the direction of your goals.

The guides are saying that using words like trust and courage hold no value any longer because they have become a part of the vocabulary that triggers resistance on account of their having been used to manipulate you as well.

Therefore when they say be your own coach — they are urging you to study your decision making process and develop a strategy that enables you to understand what you feel in your system (body-mind-soul) when you understand the next step. Look at all the times you have made decisions in the past that you feel have served you? What did they involve and what can you learn from them to help you now and in the future.

This will help you build trust in yourself, which is all the trust you need.

With respect to comfort zones, their take is that comfort zones give you the perception of being safe only because they are familiar. And to push your boundaries it is important to ask, do I really feel safe or is it just a matter of a known Devil is better than an unknown one. Fear feels real, fear is an important part of the system for survival, but fear is also a conditioned response. Ask yourself, what are the secret agendas with keeping myself small when I hold on to this fear.

And once you understand the best way to make decisions and how you are holding yourself back, decide on the next steps. Here it is important to hold yourself accountable. You can do this by enlisting assistance — an accountability group, partner or app. Or you can study what makes you stick to things and find a way to make these steps sticky.

The guides are saying we have moved out of the orbit of energy that is comfortable and convenient. We are moving into a download of energy that will change the way we do things on earth. Hence, we need to look at and explore concepts that may be familiar but need to be looked at with a new lens. That what is being said here may resonate for some and not for others. So take only what resonates and feels right for you.

In summary, the guides would like us to know that it is only leaders who are willing to work on their stretch-y-ness that can contribute to trust based systems.

And to embody this form of resilience requires their being lit up about who they are, being willing to be masters of their patterns and act as their own coaches.

That there will be leaders who are doing this at various levels of skill and development but that this is a key learning on the path to dismantling control based systems.

Energy Reset

I am being shown the heart center and a connection between the heart and throat which actually feels like a very hard and twisted energy. The guides are saying to me that you have been choked off from your original form by the conditioning of this world. They are gently untangling and releasing the fibers that are knotted up here to allow a sense of relief. They are saying this is the energetic manifestation of the pattern that you are here to Master and that is something comes to mind then make sure to be aware of any insights you feel around it in the next few days.

As they are untangling this, they are saying that originality is a threat to any system that thrives on control. And that to be able to change the system you need to allow yourself to think about what makes you original and then to actually go out there and express it.

You can run this energy reset every night this week for maximum impact.

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Do let me know how this resonates and I will see you in my next article next week!



Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars

I am an intuitive coach. I report on the energy weekly and monthly through downloads from the guides. These reports are informed by astrology and human design.