Go to Education and Technology
Education and Technology
Learnsapp is a blog focused on incorporating technology into the classroom and educational settings all for the overall goal to learn and educate. We hope to encourage educators, teachers and students about the use of technology in the classroom and learning.
Note from the editor

Learnsapp is a blog focused on incorporating technology into the classroom and educational settings all for the overall goal to learn and educate. We hope to encourage educators, teachers and students about the use of technology in the classroom and learning.

Go to the profile of Steny Hoyer
Steny Hoyer
The Majority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, representing Maryland's 5th Congressional District.
Go to the profile of StudentsFirst
A movement to transform public education. Join the conversation at #edreform http://t.co/9lQYgWFvmd
Go to the profile of Paul Gordon
Paul Gordon
Just some product guy.
Go to the profile of Learnsapp
We believe education is a human right. Learnsapp mission is to connect the world to a great education and let people learn without limits.
Go to the profile of Jacob Victor Fisher
Go to the profile of Mark McGales
Mark McGales
Entrepreneurship and finance
Go to the profile of Linez Technologies
Linez Technologies
Linez Technologies provide the Services of Software Web Development, Web Desktop Application Development, Web Designing, Web Redesigning, SEO, Internet Marketin
Go to the profile of Andres Lazo
Andres Lazo
Clay Hunt Fellow @TeamRubicon Humanitarian, Warrior, and Social Entrepreneur
Go to the profile of Monica Phillips
Monica Phillips
Motivational Speaker, Coach, Connector, Host-Powerful Conversations. I interview thought-leaders, pls get in touch. Runner. Yogi. Foodie. Mom. @sparkpluglabs1
Go to the profile of Volunteering Jen
Volunteering Jen
Conservation Department Volunteer Photographer/Naturalist
Go to the profile of Hackable High Schools
Hackable High Schools
When we say we’re redesigning the American High School, people look at us like we’re a bit touched. http://hackablehighschools.com
Go to the profile of Glen Binger
Glen Binger
Author/Teacher/Coach. Lifelong student. https://linktr.ee/bingbangbooks
Go to the profile of jessica millstone
jessica millstone
Director of Engagement, @BrainPOP.
Go to the profile of Sebastien Turbot
Sebastien Turbot
Building conversations + content-driven platforms | Curator @WISE_Tweets | Content Director @TBWA @auditoire | Contributor @forbes | Adjunct Prof. @sciencespo
Go to the profile of Playworks
Creating a place FOR EVERY KID on the playground -- a place where every kid belongs, has fun and is part of the game. #playworksforeverykid
Go to the profile of Kris Shaffer
Kris Shaffer
Data Scientist. Computational musicologist. Digital media specialist. Developer. Author. University of Mary Washington, Hybrid Pedagogy.
Go to the profile of Oplerno
Market-based #highered course solutions. All #adjunct faculty who want more out of their teaching should apply! www.oplerno.com/course-catalogue/
Go to the profile of webhat
Former Security Consultant. Developer with a love of Education, Mashups and Folksonomy. Serial Entrepreneur. (+31646783584) Tech @Oplerno and @HigherEdRev
Go to the profile of The WWS Daily
The WWS Daily
- News, tips, inspiration you can trust to thrive in today’s digital age.
Go to the profile of john starmer
john starmer
@john_starmer Director of Education at Kumulus Technologies — Using technology and science to improve learning outcomes —
Go to the profile of Student Voice
Student Voice
We strive for a future where all students have an influential voice in the decisions that impact their lives. #StuVoice
Go to the profile of HuffPost
Know what’s real.
Go to the profile of Tom Davis
Tom Davis
Chief Positivity Officer living in Barcelona. Author & Leadership coach — Creator of the PQ360. Doctorate in Leadership #GFU http://yourpositivitycoach.com
Go to the profile of Jeff Utecht
Jeff Utecht
Educator, Consultant, Author, Entrepreneur
Go to the profile of The 74
The 74
The 74 is a non-profit, non-partisan news site covering education in America.
Go to the profile of John Kerry
John Kerry
Teresa’s husband, 28 years representing Massachusetts in @USSenate, 68th U.S. Secretary of @StateDept and now proudly partnering with @Yale & @CarnegieEndow.
Go to the profile of SaaScribe
Digital Magazine for SaaS Professionals
Go to the profile of Miranda Miron
Go to the profile of Matthew Rascoff
Matthew Rascoff
Education, innovation, technology, globalization.
Go to the profile of Kul Kul Connection
Kul Kul Connection
Kul Kul Connection is a group of Green School stakeholders that is intent on working with the local community of Sibang Kaja to promote positive change.
Go to the profile of Life Learning
Life Learning
Life Learning è utilizzato dai migliori esperti e professionisti in Italia per imparare. Scopri migliaia di nuove competenze con i nostri corsi online!
Go to the profile of Editors of daCunha
Editors of daCunha
We‘re the team behind this site: https://dacunha.global/
Go to the profile of Editors @ The Synapse
Editors @ The Synapse
Editor account for The Synapse (https://medium.com/synapse), a Medium community of authentic voices in education.
Go to the profile of NYT Learning Network
NYT Learning Network
Teaching & Learning With The New York Times
Go to the profile of Tim Farley
Tim Farley
Founding member of NYSAPE, Elementary/Middle School Principal, father of four children, education advocate/activist & blogger. Follow me on Twitter @tfarley1969
Go to the profile of Eva Holm
Eva Holm
Exploring human psychology, loving 3D, adoring cappuchino!
Go to the profile of Aaron Davis
Aaron Davis
Teacher interested in 21CL, ICT, Literacy and History. Actually, interested in learning and how together we are always better. Thoughts are my own.
Go to the profile of Max Song
Max Song
Data Scientist, Synthesizer of Interesting Thoughts
Go to the profile of Jill Walker Rettberg
Jill Walker Rettberg
University of Bergen prof of digital culture; ERC project on Machine Vision, author of Seeing Ourselves Through Technology (2014). Blogs at http://jilltxt.net.
Go to the profile of Jeanilyn Bayon-on
Jeanilyn Bayon-on
A poet. A writer. A blogger. A learner / a knowledge enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Tanya’s Blog
Go to the profile of Morten Jacobsen
Morten Jacobsen
Norwegian musician, serial entrepreneur & programmer. PM for the OMG GL standard. Promoting sustainable tourism in #Villajoyosa. #Climate #EV #PV #Microtonality
Go to the profile of Jesse Bania
Jesse Bania
lifelong student. global citizen. ambassador to the outdoors.