What to post on your Social Media pages?

Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2018

When it comes to social media marketing, copying the experience of big brands is not always a good idea. So first you should answer the question why does your brand actually need social media? There are at least four important reasons for that:

  1. Social media is a direct way to communicate with your clients. Even the most user-friendly website adapted for all mobile devices never will allow your users to communicate with your brand with the depth provided by social media. Likes, shares, and comments allow customers to feel that they really can influence brands.
  2. Instead of searching for the hottest news on tons of local websites millions of users (especially the ones who use mobile devices) prefer reading what’s happening in the world and with the brands they are interested in on Facebook and Twitter. Social media become the world biggest aggregator of everything including news, updates, rumors, and insights. Always keep in mind that if you haven’t posted a link to your article on social media, that article will not be seen by your potential audience.
  3. Most people really love hanging out in social media and don’t like performing any additional actions, for example calling to product support or filling the forms on websites. They want to ask questions here and now and expect to read an answer immediately. Users would rather write you on Facebook messenger or just tag your company in the publication on their personal page instead of listening to an annoying soundtrack waiting until your call-center operator answers the phone.
  4. The last reason is the fact that our world is now strongly social media oriented. Therefore to win the loyalty of the Internet audience your brand should have at least pages on Facebook and Linkedin with the key information such as contacts, website link, and company’s mission.

Start promotion with social media channels that work well with your objectives. You have to understand very clearly: social media differ from each other and each of them has its own posting style and audience with specific expectations. Let’s go over some of the most popular SMM channels.


Facebook strongly recommends to post a content that is relevant for the users, and after the last Mark Zuckerberg’s statement this recommendation will play even a greater role. Define who is your target audience and what can be relevant for this people. Usually relevant means educational, entertaining, funny enough, and useful, in other words — something likeable, shareable, and commentable. Try infographics, links to your blog (with awesome articles, of course), video (not very long, it shouldn’t be boring) and other engaging content.


High-quality photos and videos rule Instagram. Yet not every photo should be posted on this social network. If you sell physical goods such as fashion or food, you can post high-res photos with your products using all of your creativity. Another popular type of Instagram photos from brands are behind-the-scenes photos. You could shoot photos of people in the company, events, or just the making of a product (e.g. how a dish is prepared). If you can’t get suitable product photos or enough behind-the-scenes photos, try to post user-generated content (e.g. if you promote fashion clothes, repost photos of your fan wearing your product via special apps like InstaRepost. And try Stories — if you want to be trendy, of course. And don’t forget about the influencers who could promote your brand with their powerful loyal community. Read more here: “Ingredients of an Instagram Influencer Marketing Campaign”.


This source is the best alert on the hottest news. Actually, 40 percent of people use Twitter to find out about breaking news and 39 percent to keep up with news in general. Twitter is the fastest social media channel, so you can really post here every update you have: news, blog posts, photos, videos, streams, etc. Moreover, Twitter is one of the few social media platforms where GIFs became viral and are still very popular today. Twitter even offers GIFs as a native option with each new tweet you compose. So, if your brand is not too serious for this format don’t hesitate to use GIFs.


It is a strictly refined professional network, therefore it’s easy to consider what would be appropriate to post here. Our recommendations: jobs, company news, professional content. No more and no less.


Only video, only hardcore. If you decided to promote your product via Youtube you have to know: it is expensive, takes a lot of time and needs a lot of professional resources (like a director, camera and location, post-production, actors or artists, etc). It’s much easier to collaborate with youtube influencers to achieve your marketing goals. How to do it: “YouTube influencers: how to catch them all”.

It all comes down to a simple thought: your pages on social media channels are not for you, they are for your customers. And the loyal customers are what you actually need. So use all the instruments to get your audience satisfied. In addition to the traditional marketing tools we highly recommend you to pay attention to influencer marketing. Our SocialMedia.Market makes communication with influencers much easier and safer. It is the first decentralized marketplace connecting social media bloggers and advertisers in the transparent and regulated ecosystem. Learn more here: https://socialmedia.market.

Stay tuned and don’t forget to join the discussion in our chat on Telegram. You can also find the latest news about the project on our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin.




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