YouTube influencers: how to catch them all

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4 min readJan 18, 2018

Do you know at least one person that never watched YouTube? We don’t. Only those regions of Earth that don’t have access to the internet are completely unaware of the biggest video-sharing platform in the world.

YouTube is one of the behemoths of influencer marketing. Traditional advertising slowly fades away, while it’s efficiency continues to drop down. At the same time, unobtrusive ads in social media are replacing other means of digital marketing. Vlogs on YouTube are an ideal platform for promoting brands. Followers of influencers tend to rely on their opinion when it comes to a buying decision. Even a micro-influencer has from 1 to 10 thousand subscribers, so if 1% of his followers turn into consumers — it would be nice revenue for a brand owner.

How to contact an influencer?

Lots of beginner marketers become confused — how to contact with a vlogger? There are several ways.

“About channel” tab. Lots of vloggers leave their contacts in channel description to connect with willing followers or marketers just like you. It could be a link to Facebook account or an e-mail. The only disadvantage is that influencers could ignore or simply miss messages.

“Subscribe” button. Sometimes in the final part of a video vloggers give a link to their social media, so followers could follow them on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Comment. Not every vlogger reads all the comments that users leave under his videos, but sometimes contacts request in comments could help to communicate with an influencer.

Another problem is defining the right influencer. How to understand that this vlogger is ideal for your brand? That’s where this article could come in handy. If you are thinking about extending an advertising campaign to other social media and wonder how to start — this material helps you to understand how to use micro-influencers.

Hiring a Super Star

Not only you choose an influencer — an influencer also chooses which brand to promote. Vloggers reputation is at the stake, just like yours. Influencers often work only with brands that match their niche and theme. Keep in mind that you and an influencer are in similar conditions, being the equal sides of a deal.

When discussing a bargain don’t miss a preview. A vlogger must send you the material where your brand would be mentioned before publication so that you will control the deal performance. It is a normal practice to pay 50% of the sum before publication and 50% after. It will ensure what are you paying for.

It will be a wise decision to describe, or, what’s better, write a short brief for influencer. A clear, understandable tech task would simplifys influencers work and determines your expectations. If a discussion appears, a written document will be able to resolve it.

Where’s the money?

Every work needs promotion. The money question will be one of the first a YouTuber would like to clarify, so you have to be ready. The final price of vlogger;s service is a matter of negotiation, but which sum will be perfectly enough?

YouTube high-ranked vloggers gain millions on their channels. They have billions of followers and work with such big brands as Nike, Mercedes or Dior. However — they are not your type of influencer. Medium and micro-influencers are not so costly (except those vloggers that show extremely expensive cars or other means of luxury — their service surely will cost you a lot). Small and middle businesses often start working with niche vloggers that have limited audience.

Vloggers salary depends on the next criteria:

  • Type of advertising campaign. There are different ways an influencer could promote your brand. It could be a pre-roll, an announcement or a product placement. YouTuber can even make a whole video about your brand. If you are not aware of what I’m talking about — here you could find the details.
  • Influencer’s popularity. The audience scale, engagement with subscribers level, the number of views, growth rate — all these increases or decreases the price for a post.
  • Goals and expectations. The bigger is expected revenue — the bigger is a YouTuber salary. Some of the vloggers are very effective in promoting brands and some gain a pure audience reaction.
  • Advertiser’s budget. If you can afford to pay a concrete price — you won’t raise it even after negotiation. An advertiser should understand the risks and gain some return on the investments.

Efficient maintenance of all the mess

The process of setting an influencer advertising campaign will be unbelievably time-consuming, so be ready for it. Things would become worse if you want more than 5 vloggers for promotion. You will have to find and contact them, negotiate and control them, guide and pay them. If you do it manually — it’s a hard work even if you don’t stumble upon fraud. That’s why our SocialMedia.Market platform was created. It will help both advertisers and influencers to overcome all the problems of influencer advertising market. It will offer a convenient set of tools so that a campaign maintenance process will take hours, not days. There’s nothing more valuable in our days then time, isn’t it? Read more about SocialMedia.Market here:




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