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Archived thoughts from old musings on digital strategy.
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Y Combinator: Fix Advertising

Paul Graham at Y Combinator has posted a great list of startup ideas they’d like to fund. Among them — fix advertising.

Advertising could be made much better if it tried to please its audience, instead of treating them like victims who deserve x…

Agencies Need the Tech with the Creative

While the conversation about tomorrow’s digital agency will look like (Agency pick-a-number-dot-oh), Mark Kvamme reaffirmed that the creative coming out of their shop needs to at least be equal to the quality of their technical chops. Speaking at the 4A’s…

What’s Next in Advertising & Marketing

Paul Isakson has put together a great deck about what’s next in advertising and marketing. One slide in particular captures the ethos of his presentation, and is one that I wrote about several months ago as well:

“We’re not in the…

Be Undeniably Good

Two of my favorite blogs are talking about self-promotion. Or, for that matter, the lack thereof.

From Signal vs. Noise:

10. Be undeniably good. Steve Martin was on Charlie Rose last week. At the very end, he gave his advice to someone who’s…