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Analytics Tool

SocialRank is easiest way to identify, organize, and manage your followers on Twitter and Instagram.
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Design Update: Folders

SocialRank has made it easier to access your folders. Previously located in the drop down search, their new location can be found in the top menu:

Top Performing Posts + Tweets

When looking at a profile card on SocialRank, you can see the top performing posts and tweets for that account. This feature has been available on Instagram for the past two years, and now we are bringing it to Twitter.

Grid View for Matching Posts

SocialRank’s “Words, Hashtags, Emojis” filter lets users search for terms or phrases in the content of their following.

Using Grid View, audience members with the greatest number of matches can be swiftly pinpointed. Begin by entering the term or phrase…

Context in Matched Posts with SocialRank

One of SocialRank’s popular features allows users to filter through an audience’s content to search for specific hashtags, keywords, phrases, and emojis:

Users are able to pinpoint the number of times an account has shared content…