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SocialRank is easiest way to identify, organize, and manage your followers on Twitter and Instagram.
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Create a SocialRank List with a CSV File

SocialRank is the most simple way to discover, organize, and manage your followers.

One of the most commonly used features on SocialRank is building lists.

New Feature: Engagement Rate

SocialRank is always looking to help users find the most granular data on the audience members they’re searching for.

On each Profile Card, we have added a new metric titled: Engagement Rate

Power User Tricks: Keyboard Shortcut for Navigation

SocialRank wants to provide users with the most efficient experience possible. We have now added shortcuts to allow effortless browsing through an audience:

W↑ S↓

Early-Access to Market Intelligence for Instagram

We are on stage today at the DEMO Traction conference in Boston. If you’re around come say hi!

One of things we plan to announce on stage is that we are ready to start letting people into Market Intel for Instagram and…

Introducing SocialRank for Instagram

At SocialRank we’re always thinking about where our industry is headed and what role we play in that future. Three things constantly turn up when we talk about the trajectory of social media and marketing:

Early Access to SocialRank for Instagram

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At SocialRank we are building a place where you can log in with your various social…