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Use Cases

SocialRank is easiest way to identify, organize, and manage your followers on Twitter and Instagram.
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New and Lost Followers

Recently we released an update for the Comparison Filter that allows you to compare lists on SocialRank. The ability to compare lists has quickly become a favorite amongst our clients with many different use cases.

SocialRank Webinar — September 15th 2016

When we talk about how to use SocialRank, we always approach it as if it were a blank canvas. There’s already so many different use cases, and everyday we learn something new. It’s important to us that our clients get the most out of the platform, and for us…

*Updated* Onboarding Documents For SocialRank and Market Intel — January Edition

In October we wrote about SocialRank and Market Intel onboarding documents you could request from us to get the most out of SocialRank. We’ve released new features and products since, so we…

Comparing Two Accounts On SocialRank

One of the most popular new features on SocialRank is our “Compare to another account” filter. This lets you compare any two accounts on Twitter or Instagram to each other and see the overlap and difference of followers.

SocialRank For Business Leads

When building SocialRank we didn’t realize how big of a lead machine it would be for people.

Logging in with your own account at SocialRank.com then using the “bio keyword” and “company” filter, you can search for words like “Marketing”, “CMO”…

The SocialRank Onboarding Documents — A Step by Step Walkthrough of How To Use SocialRank

There are many ways you can use SocialRank to better the Twitter and Instagram operations at your company or organization. To make it easier for people looking to get the most…

SocialRank for Business Travel

I love using SocialRank when I’m away on a business trip.

In the past, whenever I went to San Francisco or Los Angeles (my two normal stomping grounds), I used to just look through my Linkedin contacts to see if there’s anyone I should contact and…

SocialRank for Recruiting

Over the past few weeks we’ve been highlighting different ways brands, agencies, and professionals use SocialRank to help them with whatever their professional or organization goals are. Last week we wrote a post called SocialRank for Journalists, showing how journalists can use…

SocialRank for Journalists

We’ve recently noticed journalists using SocialRank to find sources for upcoming stories. In hindsight, it actually makes a lot of sense — what better way to find domain experts than through a keyword search of Twitter profiles?