Go to SoCollab
Publication run by NUS Computing Club’s Academic Liaison Cell
Note from the editor

Publication run by NUS Computing Club’s Academic Liaison Cell

Go to the profile of SoCollab
Publication run by NUS Computing Club’s Academic Liaison Cell
Go to the profile of Sebastian
I write when I'm inspired
Go to the profile of Rishabh Anand
Rishabh Anand
ML Research @ NUS • Writer • Open-source Jedi • https://rish-16.github.io
Go to the profile of Arnav Gupta
Arnav Gupta
Business Analytics Student at National University of Singapore | Passionate and Inquisitive about Finance, Technology, Data Science, and Entrepreneurship
Go to the profile of Chow Jia Ying
Chow Jia Ying
a woman in tech | ex-TikTok | ex-Indeed | NUS Com Sci
Go to the profile of Sean Low
Sean Low
Undergraduate Student at National University of Singapore
Go to the profile of Andrea Makoto
Andrea Makoto
Change & Growth | Let’s walk life together! | Proud creator of https://andreastories.com | Insta: https://instagram.com/andrea_stories_/
Go to the profile of Ethan Heng
Ethan Heng
Psychology major at the National University of Singapore. I like writing, and other stuff.
Go to the profile of Jeremy Chan
Jeremy Chan
A 23 year old undergraduate at National University of Singapore learning to write. Visit me at www.jeremycte.com