How to succeed in setting up a new office?

Soft Landing Porto
SoftLanding Porto
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2018

Recently we showed you some of the best places in Porto to give a fresh start to your new company. Coworking spaces are probably the best way to establish contact with your future team but it can be also a draft plan of the needs of your future-new office. Today we give you some tips of what you need to know when you’re planning a new working place for your company.

Domenico Loia on Unplash

Timing is the key issue

What’s the best moment to launch your company or startup? You should be careful on taking that decision. You might be aware of many factors that can compromise your plans. Is your industry in good health? How many competitors do you have? If you’re starting your business from scratch maybe you can also measure the risks before you rent or buy a new office to install your company. You have nothing to lose? Great, that’s your perfect time!

The budget

As we said above timing is a key issue but the moment you choose to install your company in a new place isn’t the only thing you need to be careful. A good and precise budget can be your best ally to success. If you’re not good crunching numbers maybe you should get some help by an account assistant (we can help you with that too!).


Apart from having a great budget all companies or startups need some money to start the business or to build a fancy new office. Here you don’t have many options. If you have the money your problem is solved. If you don’t have it you should search which are the best options for your future: an investment made by a friend or an angel or small loan for the beginning.

Have your goals in mind

Yes, we can now stop talking about money. Having some self-discipline is essential to the success of your business. Your budget is important but you need to have your goals in mind. Try to have a plan for each day, week or month. It will definitely help you.

Plan the perfect office

Your company or startup is ready to fly but you need a place to settle in. Now it’s the time to follow some of these useful tips:

  • Flexibility is one of the best things you can have in your new space. Plan you office to have a space with multiple functions. It’s good for you (less expensive) and for your future workers;
  • Lights, plenty of lights! The best light you can have in your office is the natural one. Apart from that you should think on white lights (only for the office!) that make you people more efficient and productive.
  • Buy some simple and beautiful furniture. Our best tip for you is to have some caution on spending lots of money in an expensive quality furniture. Make it simple. Your furniture should be simple and not too expensive so that you can change your office whenever you want.
  • Have some coffee. Most of team workers will appreciate if you have some quality coffee on your workspace. Comfort is everything and a good coffee can be an input to some people.

Here you have some good tips to have a fresh start in a new place. Do you have more questions? We have a last gold tip for you: ask us on SoftLanding Porto!


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