Go to Software Is Eating the World
Software Is Eating the World
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Go to the profile of Andreessen Horowitz
Andreessen Horowitz
…aka “a16z” is a tech VC firm that invests in ‘software eating the world’. Read more about our: http://bit.ly/a16zinvestments http://bit.ly/a16zpartners
Go to the profile of Chris Dixon
Go to the profile of Marc Andreessen
Marc Andreessen
'Andreessen is the quintessential guy who is wrong with corporate America...Hard to hear, talks with a squeaky voice that only a dog can understand.'–Carl Icahn
Go to the profile of Steven Sinofsky
Steven Sinofsky
a16z • Box • Tanium • Product Hunt • Everlaw • ॐ • 🙏
Go to the profile of Frank Chen
Frank Chen
Partner at Andreessen Horowitz. Writes about tech, startups, venture investing, science, the future. Likes explaining things. Opinions my own.
Go to the profile of smc90
Go to the profile of Anu Hariharan
Anu Hariharan
Partner @ Y Combinator’s Continuity Fund (@ycombinator)
Go to the profile of Lars Dalgaard
Lars Dalgaard
Incorporated and was CEO 11 years until SuccessFactors was acquired for $3.4B, and has since grown to $2B ARR, with 83% Gross Margins. GP @ a16z.com
Go to the profile of Scott Kupor
Scott Kupor
Managing Partner at Andreessen Horowitz; father of three amazing/crazy girls
Go to the profile of Vijay Pande