Solar DAO: according to the plan

Solar DAO
Solar DAO
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2018

Less than two months ago, Solar DAO shared information about what the project is to do and what plans it has: now we are to review what happened after a few weeks.


Recently we conducted the first voting in our project. The question was — What do you think about Solar DAO project and its development? Most participants expressed their trust in Team and a positive attitude about Development.


As it was said earlier, Solar DAO tokens (SDAO) are expected to be listed on at least 4 exchanges up to the end of February.

Now SDAO tokens are trading on:

Solar DAO team also started to work on the exchange volume.

Fresh Blood. Investors & Partners

In January Solar DAO project was presented on the Road Show, achieving positive reaction. We’ve got a bulk of preliminary commitments for several millions and it means — we are to registrate the Fund! Besides, we’ve met new partners from the crypto industry— Welcome and Adhive. Another industrial partners will work with us on the construction of a pilot project in Turkey.

What are we doing now?

  • As we’ve announced earlier —we do our best to start 1st PV solar plant construction in March.
  • Also we are establishing the Fund, because all of the needful preparations are finished.
  • Currently our team is working on marketing concept, suits for funds.

As always, we try to take into account wishes of the Community. Therefore, we ask each of you to tell us about your view and suggestions by completing an easy form. No registration needed.



Solar DAO
Solar DAO

1st tokenized fund for funding PV solar plants and RES projects across the globe. Join us at: