Go to Solettres | Universität Basel
Solettres | Universität Basel
Sole steht für Sonne, Solothurn und Soul. Lettres steht für das geschriebene Wort, die Geistes- und Literaturwissenschaften. Wir, eine Gruppe des Deutschen Seminars der Universität Basel, berichten hier rund um die Solothurner Literaturtage 2016.
Note from the editor

Sole steht für Sonne, Solothurn und Soul. Lettres steht für das geschriebene Wort, die Geistes- und Literaturwissenschaften. Wir, eine Gruppe des Deutschen Seminars der Universität Basel, berichten hier rund um die Solothurner Literaturtage 2016.

Go to the profile of Jonathan Tadres
Go to the profile of Tabea Wullschleger
Go to the profile of Livia Willi
Go to the profile of Tamara Keller
Go to the profile of University of Basel
University of Basel
Founded in 1460, the University of Basel is the oldest university in Switzerland.
Go to the profile of Johanna Kempfert
Go to the profile of Alexandra Muheim
Go to the profile of Naïs Stein
Naïs Stein
Symbiosis of Photography, Text and Languages. Maybe Art.
Go to the profile of Romina Del Principe
Go to the profile of Jessica Cabrera
Go to the profile of Dominic Weber
Go to the profile of Benjamin Walther
Go to the profile of tim.felchlin
Go to the profile of Johanna Kempfert
Go to the profile of cornelia.lang
Go to the profile of Rebekah Hoeks
Go to the profile of Alexandra Muheim
Go to the profile of Catharina de Groot
Go to the profile of Basil Buehler
Go to the profile of helena.krauser
Go to the profile of valerie.muhmenthaler
Go to the profile of Naïs Stein
Naïs Stein
Symbiosis of Photography, Text and Languages. Maybe Art.
Go to the profile of daniel.faulhaber
Go to the profile of Zepa Morina
Go to the profile of Laure Aebi
Go to the profile of Joe Pfer
Go to the profile of dinah.suter
Go to the profile of Aramito Naderi
Go to the profile of Francesco
Go to the profile of Kevin Hütten
Go to the profile of Livia Willi
Go to the profile of Tabea Wullschleger
Go to the profile of Jonathan Tadres
Go to the profile of Tamara Keller
Go to the profile of anita.joos
Go to the profile of sophie.christe
Go to the profile of Mattia Avoledo