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Soloist Collective
Soloist Collective
Where independent professionals can find stories and best practices for running a successful Solo practice.
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8 Steps to a Creative Soloist Career

Jake Goldbas, drummer, musical director, educator and collaborator shares his hard earned wisdom on building a thriving career in the arts

Don’t be Afraid of Hearing “No”

C&J Nutrition share their journey to building a nutrition consulting, counseling, and communications company

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When’s The Perfect Time to Offer a Discount?

Run promotions that bring your clients back without undercutting your pricing strategy

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How to Avoid Burn Out: Tips for Work-Life Balance

Step 1: Hire a Virtual Assistant

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Your New Wingmen

How to Build Your Business With Adjacent Referral Networks

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9 Tips to Boost Client Retention

How to Create Memorable Moments that Hook Your Clients, and How to Deal When Difficult Issues Come Up

How to Grow Your Business Through Email Marketing

Newsletter Writing for Soloists

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Work Independently, Not Alone.

Join the Soloist Collective today