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Something Different
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Go to the profile of Something Different
Something Different
Holding account for the publication of the same name.
Go to the profile of Dheeraj Dhobley
Dheeraj Dhobley
I love Science, computers, table tennis, hand-games, burnout, and sharing funny stories with friends.
Go to the profile of Laura Dorwart
Laura Dorwart
Culture, feminism, full-on strangeness. Words: Vice, Bitch, McSweeney’s, Catapult. PhD/MFA pending. https://tinyletter.com/lauramdorwart #binders @lauramdorwart
Go to the profile of Ernest Duncan
Go to the profile of Laura Rich
Laura Rich
Podcast host & founder advocate, Exit Club (exitclub.co). I talk to entrepreneurs about life post-exit. Listen at http://bit.ly/exitclub.
Go to the profile of Kathryn Poe
Kathryn Poe
Non-Fiction Books. Politics. (They/them)
Go to the profile of Hoppy Bouasavanh
Hoppy Bouasavanh
A deliberative practitioner of Writing and Programming.
Go to the profile of Jin Wu
Jin Wu
Neuroscience PhD student. Formerly, alum+lecturer @ MIT, electrical/mechanical engineer, graphic/UX/UI/product designer, entrepreneur, among other things.
Go to the profile of Sam Grimwood "0th3r W0rldly S3lf"
Sam Grimwood "0th3r W0rldly S3lf"
Photographer/Artist Fashion, and Lifestyle Writer :)
Go to the profile of Crystal Camarao
Crystal Camarao
I have a passion for tech, particularly no-code. http://crystal.ph
Go to the profile of Susan Grant
Susan Grant
Just as our bodies need proper nourishment and exercise to be healthy, so does our soul. Exercise opportunities to keep your soul fit. www.susan-grant.com
Go to the profile of Afshana Diya
Afshana Diya
CMO @ WPDeveloper | Community Organzier | Traveler 🌎
Go to the profile of Amanda Robins
Amanda Robins
Writer, artist, psychotherapist & seeker of the Snitch. Download my free ebook here: subscribepage.io/Reclaim-Your-Authentic-self
Go to the profile of Øivind H. Solheim
Øivind H. Solheim
I was an educator, now I write in English and in Norwegian. I have published 6 novels and a poetry book. @oivind47 · oivind47.medium.com, oeivind.substack.com/