Go to Sooner Safer Happier
Sooner Safer Happier
Enterprise agility, digital transformation, agile transformation, better ways of working
Note from the editor

Enterprise agility, digital transformation, agile transformation, better ways of working

Go to the profile of Jonathan Smart
Jonathan Smart
Passionate about delivering innovative business value frequently and with high levels of engagement. Views are my own.
Go to the profile of Myles Ogilvie
Go to the profile of zsolt berend
zsolt berend
Business agile coach, practitioner and trainer. Co-author: Sooner Safer Happier: https://itrevolution.com/sooner-safer-happier/
Go to the profile of Simon Rohrer
Simon Rohrer
Ways of Working to develop better, more valuable software ∙ home.saxo ∙ itrevolution.com/sooner-safer-happier ∙ twitter.com/sirohrer ∙ github.com/sirohrer
Go to the profile of Tony Caink
Tony Caink
Transparency Installer