November 5, 2022, Ecosystem Updates for SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet

SPF Ecosystem Update Archive
10 min readNov 5, 2022

The SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet projects are all closely related as they form integral parts of the SORA and DOTSAMA ecosystems (of which SORA is a part). That is why development status updates are released every two weeks for these three projects, in one convenient place, with development updates from across the community. Enjoy the November 5, 2022 Ecosystem updates!

If you missed the previous ones: October 20 / October 5 / September 21 / September 7 / August 24 / August 10 / July 27 / July 14 / July 1 / June 15 /June 1 / May 18 / May 4 / April 20 / April 6 / March 23 / March 9 / February 23 / February 9 / January 26 / January 12 / December 29 / December 15 / December 1 / November 17 / November 3 / October 20 / October 6 / September 22 / September 9 / older updates are archived here

Welcome to the November 5th Ecosystem Updates!

SORA Card at the Polkadot Summit presented by Astar during the SF Blockchain Week

You are Here

The SORA Integrated Plan
Dr Makoto Takemiya dropping true alpha on SORA at Web Summit 2022 in Lisbon


For those who aren’t versed in Portuguese, it means “what’s going on with your life?” which is very fitting since some of the SORA contributors, including Dr. Makoto Takemiya, were at WebSummit Lisbon to share information about SORA Card and the SORA network itself with the over 70k attendees of this year’s event! If you are in Lisbon for the summit, we hope you managed to say hello at the SORAMITSU booth, in the Japan Pavilion, or stopped by and listened to a presentation prepared by the SORA community at the Polkadot booth.

Professor Richard Werner, Ben Senn, and Dr Makoto Takemiya at Web Summit 2022 in Lisbon

In other updates this fortnight, the Kusama parachain bridge is still a work in progress, testing is ongoing on both the Kusama and SORA test environments and soon it will be deployed on the actual parachain and mainnet! We are drawing ever closer to connecting the Kusama network to SORA and we thank you for supporting this exciting journey.

Substrate 4 is available on the public SORA testnet

We recently announced that finally Substrate 4 is available on the public testnet, and once we have made sure everything is working as it should (with your help, of course), it will be able to be moved to production, which means that many of the dependencies that have been blocked due to this implementation, such as XSTUSD base pairs and SORA network integration into Fearless Wallet will see progress; we continue to work diligently.

The SORA trustless multi-EVM bridge is steadily progressing, with many of the issues flagged during the testing period having been addressed already, so we are fine-tuning the functionality to ensure it is as safe and as convenient as possible. We still have work to do on the UI, but once the core functionality is working as it should, this latter step will be done. As usual, our design will follow the principles of style and freedom that you have come to know and love from Polkaswap and the SORA network!

🗳 The network has been updated to version 1.4.7, including the first batch of XST tokenomics

XST tokenomics are being worked on with great progress and convertibility of XSTUSD to XST will be done soon. Once that is complete, oracle integration to enable other XST synthetic assets will be worked on.

Finally, there is a public referendum ongoing on the Kusama network that will decide whether the latest Fearless Wallet proposal for a Kusama grant to develop the Fearless Wallet browser extension and desktop app will be approved. Last fortnight we provided a brief summary of this situation, where the councilors decided to leave this to a community vote, because the nova wallet team, which originally started as a fork of Fearless Wallet, vehemently objected to Fearless Wallet getting a grant for this, despite the fact that they received a grant for a similar proposal a few months ago (and still haven’t released anything for it).

With VCs that invested in competing products to Fearless Wallet voting no, any pro-Fearless Wallet messages being deleted in the Polkadot RU chat, and constant misrepresentations of the truth by the nova wallet team (they keep saying we tried to block them from using Apache 2-licensed source code, which is not true; they violated IP related to internal company files and trade secrets that they had access to as employees, and even were sloppy enough to use the Fearless Wallet logomark in their app, which is not allowed by the Apache 2 license), it is going to require everyone to work together and vote in favor of the referendum in order to pass.

Vote for Fearless Wallet development grant at

As of now, the Fearless Wallet team has spent approximately 9 months on the design, research and UX, and also implemented over 85% of the Fearless Wallet browser extension (it already works with Polkaswap), before submitting for a Kusama treasury grant, but unfortunately the Kusama Council has made it clear that they won’t vote based on the merits of the proposal.

On behalf of the community, we are sorry for expecting any better of DOTSAMA politics.

You can find the summary of the integrated plan points in the SORA Wiki.

SORA Ecosystem Update #50

EVM and Substrate trustless bridges on SORA, soon.

Business Track Progress:

  • Polkaswap as a Service — 20%
  • JP Games — 50%
  • SORA Card — 50%
  • SORA IBAN — 50%

SORA Card weekly articles are being released with topics covering the SORA Card introduction, SORA Card key features, a comparison between SORA Card and other crypto-powered banking services, and an interview with the people behind the SORA Card tech and management.

Stay tuned for more articles with interesting and insightful information on this great tool for financial freedom. SORA Card | Value Freedom

XST Tokenomics

We are preparing to enable the full XST platform for synthetic assets with Oracles

🌟 The network has been updated to version 1.4.7, including the first batch of XST tokenomics, including:

  • XST as a reserve asset in the TBC (Token Bonding Curve)
  • XST to get its rate in DAI (change in the Price Tools pallet)
  • The XOR-XST pool providing double strategic rewards APY

🌟 Fix for claiming crowdloan PSWAP rewards

🌟 Working on the second batch of tokenomics, including

  • XSTUSD will now convert to/from XST instead of XOR
  • A buyback-and-Burn mechanism where 10% of the PSWAP and VAL remints will be used to buyback and burn XST

🌟 Preparing to enable the full XST platform for synthetic assets with Oracles

Substrate 4

  • Substrate 4 has been migrated to the stage environment (a.k.a. the public testnet)!
  • Validators will need to update their node binary before we can deploy Substrate 4 to the production environment (Running a Validator Node); validators should all update to version 1.5 now
Watch Tech Talks, brought to you by Polkaswap, with one of the contributing teams for SORA and Polkaswap sharing their insights on building for cross-chain communication in the Polkadot ecosystem, and beyond.

⚙️ SORA Blockchain Update

Substrate Trustless Bridge: SORA Parachain

  • Started to locally test the bridge components separately and in unison.
  • Preparing to further test the whole system on the testing environment

EVM Trustless Bridge: Ethereum

  • Most of the recommendations from the security audit have been addressed
  • Final fine-tuning before being fully ready
  • We are mainly focused on the Substrate Trustless Bridge now
  • The multi-EVM bridge is being regularly updated on the public testnet! (see: How to test the multi-EVM trustless bridge | More)
Read more about people behind the SORA Card tech and management

📱 SORA Mobile Update

🚀 Android

  • Still working hard on the wallet redesign and the SORA Card integration

🍏 iOS

  • 2.5.0 — Polkaswap Pools are complete and will be released once the Substrate 4 upgrade is launched to production
  • 2.5.1 — Node Selection is ready and will be released with the new wallet redesign
  • Still working hard on the wallet redesign and the SORA Card integration

👷🏽‍♀️ SORA Builders Programme updates:

Step into the interoperable future and buidl with SORA

ADAR Updates

  • Working towards an effective launch
  • A considerable amount of time is going into developing the product, creating marketing strategies and SOPs, etc.
  • Started a smaller working committee to fast track the website finalization
  • Participate in discussion at
ADAR enjoying some great interest at the Web Summit in Lisbon

Here is the proposal submitted by ADAR, for more information on the Abed Group, take a look at this deck, and to try the version available from the completion of the first milestone, visit the ADAR website. The MVP is currently being developed and should start testing soon.

CERES Updates

The SORA Builders Programme first alumni Ceres are expanding their reach across chains within the Polkadot ecosystem to the Astar network. We look forward to their future developments!

Ceres and DEO Arena now also on Astar network

The XOR-XST pool for farming the XST token is available on Demeter, for now XOR-DAI, and XOR-ETH pools are still available as well, so you can provide liquidity and farm XST* Not financial advice, so do your own research!

PSWAP, as well as VAL, single-sided staking are now available on Demeter

The Demeter Farming platform is available on the SORA network for users to farm with liquidity pool LP or single-sided staking, with interesting APR*. New pools are constantly added, too. Demeter farming is directly integrated into Polkaswap, for convenience. For more information, read this Medium article on the Demeter platform.

*Not financial advice, always do your own research.

🐈‍⬛ SORA Request for Proposal updates:

The SORA Decentralized Development walkthrough was published on September 2nd, take a look at the new RFP system and submit your proposal in an easier and more intuitive way. Please let us know your thoughts about these improvements in the SORA network community chats on Telegram!

Join the Decentralized Development channel on the SORA World Discord.

Thank you for making it all the way here. Your interest is much appreciated. If you are a passionate community member who evangelizes SORA and its supranational cryptoeconomic values to anyone willing to lend an ear, we are looking for you!

Join the SORA Ambassador Program and help us grow, moderate, educate, inspire and encourage the existing community, while reaching out to others. We are open to ambassadors who speak any language, but ideally, a basic level of English is required to communicate with other ambassadors (unless you bring an interpreter).

If you are interested in joining, reach out to an admin, and stay tuned for more updates.

Polkaswap Ecosystem Update #53

Substrate 4 upgrade for the SORA network will unlock much-anticipated features for Polkaswap

👨‍💻 Work in Progress:

🌉 Trustless Multi-EVM Bridge UI

💳 SORA Card integration

✨ Accessibility & languages & UX improvements

💻 Polkaswap Desktop app security improvements

🔥 The final version of Release 1.10.0 is available on the public testnet and you can already try it on!

The Polkaswap Bug Bounty is ongoing! Submit your findings to the Immunefi platform!

For more information and participation rules, read this article on the SORA / Polkaswap Bug Bounty Programme.

SORA Web Track Progress:

  • Fearless Wallet Desktop and Browser Extension: 85%. The implementation of the Fearless Wallet desktop is already undergoing steady development, despite not being funded yet by the Kusama Treasury

Fearless Wallet Ecosystem Update #58

Fearless Wallet Browser Extension development progress is at 85%

🍎 iOS version

🚀 We are currently busy with the following activities:

💪 Total testing

💪 Bug fixing

💪 Polishing and release preparation

🤖 Android version

🚀 We are working on the following features:

💪 The new Fearless Wallet UI/UX

✨ ”Send flow” update and optimisation

✨ Address book for the “Send flow”

💪 Nomination pools staking

✨ Pool info screen and corresponding logic

🗣 The recent Fearless Wallet Public Demo was held on November 2nd

✅ Demo Agenda:

➔ iOS and Android development status

➔ iOS 1st milestone completion report

➔ iOS and Android new features demo

➔ Release plans and 2nd milestone review

➔ Q&A

☝️ Demo slides
☝️ Demo video

🖥 Browser Extension and Desktop Application

🚀 Kusama Treasury proposal is undergoing community voting

🙏 Vote here: 🙏

🚀 Overall development progress regarding the first milestone is about 85–90%

🚀 Total testing, bug fixing, polishing, and Beta-version preparation

🚀 dApp connector/signer UI andlogic, as well as improving connection stability.

🚀 Collaborations and future initiatives

Spacers NFT collection on RMRK by Subsocial is live and you can use the code “FEARLESS” in order to get the Fearless patch ❤️‍🔥 For more details, see

🤝 ASTAR: future cooperations and co-marketing activities discussion

🤝 Polkadot insider (VCM): partnership perspectives and shared campaigns discussion

🤝 SubSquid: new project launch and future collaboration

🤝 Bifrost: roadmap and product development perspectives, co-marketing activities

🤝 SORA: Substrate 4 upgrade, Polkaswap integration

#StayFearless 𒉡𒉎𒋼

About SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet

SORA is a new economic system aimed at creating a supranational multiverse economic system with built-in tools for decentralized finance (DeFi). The SORA network implements a new way of parachain architecture on Polkadot and Kusama network, with the capability to bridge external blockchains (like Ethereum) to the Polkadot ecosystem.

One of the DeFi applications that will run on the SORA network is Polkaswap, a noncustodial liquidity aggregating, cross-chain AMM DEX designed uniquely for the Polkadot ecosystem with boundless liquidity through its one-of-a-kind Aggregate Liquidity Technology (ALT).

Fearless Wallet is a bespoke mobile wallet designed for the decentralized future on the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem, with native support for iOS and Android platforms. A premium user experience, fast performance, and secure storage for your accounts. Fearless Wallet will integrate Polkaswap for easy, decentralized swaps of assets.

Connect With Us

SORA 𒀭 community:

Twitter | Telegram | Reddit | YouTube | Announcements Channel

Polkaswap 𒊹𒂵𒆜 community:

Twitter | Telegram | Reddit | YouTube | Announcements Channel

Fearless Wallet 𒉡𒉎𒋼 community:

Twitter | Telegram | Element | YouTube | Android App | iOS App



SPF Ecosystem Update Archive

SORA is working to become a decentralized world economic system, under the democratic supervision of the SORA Parliament. Many Worlds. One Economy. SORA.