Sorare Football Product Update: Announcing Reward Boxes, Bonus Adjustments, More

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5 min readDec 12, 2023

As shared in the Sorare Football November Product Roadmap, a key focus for our product team is to iterate on our competition formats to create more sustainable and fun gameplay for the Sorare community.

The Premier League Winter Competition has allowed us to test the potential of cash-only prize pools for specific competitions, single-league formats, card season eligibility, and multiple-lineup entries.

Our next iteration helps us explore a new rewards experience on top of card rewards and cash for Managers who have just missed out on higher leaderboard finishes.

Here’s a breakdown of our new competition along with updates to bonuses, Kick-Off competitions, and more.

Reward Box Special 270

In our next competition iteration, we are running the Limited Reward Box Special 270 for four consecutive Game Weeks (GWs 433–436).

This competition has the same eligibility rules as Limited Capped 270. Please note that this is in addition to all current competitions.

The Reward Box Special offers a new and exciting reward experience with the goal of rewarding more Managers in order to help them build and grow their club.

The reward experience also aims to address a number of reward frustrations and feedback we have collected from our community, including:

  • Managers believe they need too many points to win a reward that brings excitement on rewards day
  • Winning XP would be a more interesting reward so that Managers can select the player cards they want to level-up
  • Managers care more about top-tier card rewards, and it’s important to ensure that top performers in a Game Week are rewarded fairly

The solution we are exploring offers more Managers (top 7,000) the opportunity to win exciting card rewards and club items while also maintaining our core gameplay principals by ensuring that the top Managers are guaranteed top rewards.

Here is a full breakdown of our rewards on offer this weekend:

The Reward Box unlocks a new rewards experience that is fun and offers Managers the opportunity to win cards or Club Shop items to help build their club.

Depending on your placement, you will qualify for one of three Reward Box types (Lite, Standard, Premium), with each box offering different probabilities of the type of reward you could win. Visit our live Game Week for a full breakdown of what each box could contain.

Please note that to support this iteration, we are moving Limited Cap 240 card rewards (Limited & Rare rewards) to this competition. From Game Weeks 433–436, there will be threshold cash prizes only in Limited Cap 240.

For this first iteration, Limited Cards and Limited Boost items are available in the boxes. Our goal is to expand the box experience to a wider variety of Club Shop items and reward experiences — such as jerseys or game tickets, special edition card designs, and more.

Our Premier League Winter Competition allows us to monitor the potential of competitions that reward top-end cash prizes. The new Rewards Box iteration allows us to explore a competition format that rewards far more participants with a new rewards experience.

Card Bonus Consistency

Following our XP remodel in September and our recent decision to not proceed with Fitness Bonuses, our XP model is locked-in for the foreseeable future.

With this new clarity in mind, and looking toward future iterations, we are making small adjustments to competition rules to bring more consistency.

Bonus Consistency: Competition Update
Kick-Off and Legends competitions are currently the only competitions that do not include card bonuses. We had initially planned to educate Managers on the card bonus model after they move on from Kick-Off competitions.

Instead, this resulted in a confusing experience. We believe Challenges and Manager Levels (launched earlier this week) do a better job of educating Managers on the details of our gameplay.

Starting Game Week 435 (Dec. 26), all card bonuses will apply across all competitions. The card bonuses are:

  • Season bonus
  • XP bonus
  • Collection bonus
  • Scarcity bonuses

As a reminder, here are our current scarcity bonuses:

  • Limited — 0%
  • Rare — 0%
  • Super Rare — 20%
  • Unique — 40%

As a result of this change, only competitions that include mixed scarcity eligibility with Super Rare and Unique cards may alter Manager strategies. These are:

  • Kick-Off Super Rare & Kick-Off Unique
  • Capped 220 Super Rare & Unique

To maintain an approximate win-rate for Super Rare & Unique Capped 240 competitions, we are also increasing the points thresholds required for Super Rare and Unique Capped 240 competitions to accommodate for the new scarcity bonus. Please note that the aim is to keep the same approximate threshold win-rate for these competitions. We will always carefully monitor the results and make adjustments based on feedback.

The scarcity bonuses apply to a player’s base score.

Super Cap 220: Game Weeks 441–448

We’ve seen your positive feedback surrounding the ongoing Super Cap 220 competition, which ends Game Week 434. This long-format competition will return on Jan. 12 (GW 441) with Scarcity bonuses for Super Rare and Unique Cards. We’ll share more info on the prize pools for the next round of this competition in the coming week.

Communication + Next Steps

While these iterations and updates can bring new strategies and help move Sorare gameplay in the right direction, we understand that it can cause frustration.

Iterations and updates are a necessary part of our goal to deliver a fun and sustainable experience for our Managers. We are being thoughtful with our developments so that we can collect feedback and analyse the results of each iteration and update.

However, we remain committed to getting to a point where competition iterations and updates are communicated within select windows (e.g., September and February).

As always, we will monitor your feedback. In the next month we will have more news on gameplay iterations, a big Rivals update and more.

Thank You

We greatly appreciate you being part of the Sorare community, and, as always, your valuable feedback.

Good luck with your Game Weeks!




Sorare is a fantasy Football, NBA, and MLB game + marketplace. Collect, buy, sell, and compete with officially licensed digital player cards to win rewards.