Get in Uniform & Meet the Hairdressing, Drug Improving CEO

Salman Malik’s start up is producing drugs cheaper and more effectively than anyone else

2 min readSep 19, 2018


By Susannah Williams

With wide arms we excitedly welcomed Salman Malik, CEO of MicroSpray technologies, into our portfolio of RebelBio Cohort VI companies that are accelerating to change the world of medical research.

Go small, go powerful, and improve the drug pipeline, Salman is all over it

The barber entrepreneur who can give you the perfect low taper fade, aka Dr Salman Malik, is taking MicroSpray Technologies to the next level.

“It’s the holy grail of manufacturing in Pharma. Getting drug particle size right would cut down on patient re-administrations, saving time and money for the NHS,” Salman says seriously.

He saw the difficulty of making uniform microparticles was widespread after his time in both UCL and Yale, and knew he could address this problem. UCL was his bridge to combine his engineering degree with entrepreneurship, when he began working with MBA students and started seeing research differently.

Although communicating science to business was difficult initially, he was soon thrust into an exciting whirlwind schedule, traveling to exciting venues and meeting inspirational people. Through this Salman realized that startup was in his blood and the self propulsion lifestyle came naturally to him.

“It’s about changing how we deliver drugs to patients. I could have used my skills for finance, but people out there looked depressed, improving the drug industry has a greater impact than just money. That’s why I started MicroSpray Technologies,” he said.

MicroSpray technologies can produce particles that encapsulate drugs cheaper and more efficiently than current techniques like spray drying. Even more importantly, MicroSpray’s production method will enable long term delivery of drugs changing existing medical protocols. For example, using the microparticles they produce, you can use smaller gauge needles and turn eye surgeries into outpatient events.

And after a long day of revolutionising the pharmaceutical industry with his particle technology, he gets out his trimmers to fulfill his long time love of barbering.

Previous CEO profile: Hugo Sinha

Next CEO profile: Erik S. Poulsen

Cohort VI of the RebelBio accelerator is taking place in Imperial College White City Incubator, London. They are also supported by Capital Enterprise and ERDF.

Companies or prospective entrepreneurs who would like to avail of funding, mentorship & support for early-stage life sciences they can apply or show their interest here.




RebelBio is a pre-seed VC brand of SOSV that accelerated 78 biotech startups. It has since merged with SOSV’s IndieBio brand & is now based in NYC.