The Nordic CEO Leveraging the Latest in AI in Your Image Analysis

Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2018

The makings of biotech startup CEO Erik S. Poulsen (by SW)

By Susannah Williams

Flying in from the North Erik Poulsen, CEO of Cellari, joins our portfolio of cohort VI companies that are accelerating to change the world of medical research.

Erik is revolutionising cell counting with Cellari

‘We need to free the minds of those most gifted from counting pixels on a screen.’ Dr Erik S. Poulsen’s mission is clear, he wants to improve not just day to day lab life but increase the rate of scientific advancement. This is not his first startup, his other venture, Cortrium — a medical device company, recently closed a large investment round, and he has now decided to devote his time to building Cellari. The inspiration for Cellari came after analysing large numbers of images of stroke lesions and brain tumors during his research in medical school at Aarhus University, Denmark, and during his MSc thesis work at Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia. As Erik’s interest in research and image analysis grew, his enjoyment of the current methods waned — and fast. The methods were archaic and laborious but having been able to do a dual degree in engineering and medicine he could see light on the horizon. Taking the best people in the nordics, the latest tech for training and implementing artificial intelligence, Erik and his co-founder Peter L. Jensen, a statistician turned computer scientist, are solving actual problems for research departments around the world. The technologies behind the solution are brand new, and will, someday, also dramatically improve diagnostic methods used in clinical pathology. ‘The world of mathematical modeling is evolving fast in a short space of time, in part due to the gaming industry and increasing requirements for parallel processing units. Taking our mathematical, medical, and computing perspective we can make this progress work in the medical field!’ Cellari’s tech already has scientist’s wishing they were using it on a daily basis to reduce manual workload and produce robust, reproducible science.

Next CEO profile: Hugo Sinha

Cohort VI of the RebelBio accelerator is taking place in Imperial College White City Incubator, London. They are also supported by Capital Enterprise and ERDF.

Companies or prospective entrepreneurs who would like to avail of funding, mentorship & support for early-stage life sciences they can apply or show their interest here.

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RebelBio is a pre-seed VC brand of SOSV that accelerated 78 biotech startups. It has since merged with SOSV’s IndieBio brand & is now based in NYC.