Breathing History

Responding to Ten-Words Story Tags

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar
Soul Bay


T he photos are from a 2019 trip to Hampi, part of Vijaynagar kingdom of around 7th Century, situated now in Karnataka.
As you walk around the ruins, it the yesteryears, some century old, come and stand in front of you from the pages of history.It is always interesting to visualise antiquity than to lean from torn, smudge printed text books prescribed in school.

Photo by Monoreena

Sun-kissed primate, a reminder we are born from the sun.

This photo was taken in Kishkindha, the kingdom Banar (Monkey)of Bali, Sugrib and Hanuman.
Needless to say the place is infested with the species, who are pretty adept to playing muse to the tourists and their click-crazy fingers. The above click happened when one of them agreed to be the show-stopper!

Photo by Monoreena

Buried in time and ruins, the stones play antediluvian music.

This is inside the Virupaksha_Temple,_Hampi,which carries the stories in their ruins. Walking through history can be surreal as you are led up stairs which play music when certain stones are treaded upon, literally!

Photo by Monoreena

Rainbow sky,sun soaked nimbus tracing reflection on shimmery ripples.

A Random click of the setting sky with its colours, while calling it a day. A place so quiet and serene, made us pull the vehicle by the waterbody and spend some gratifying, mindful moments with nature.

Photo by Monoreena

Stoic and resplendent, oblivious yet present, antique’s beauty in Nothing!

Nobody knew the exact age of this tree, which does not hold foliage any more, but stands unperturbed in the Virupaksha Temple Complex, attracting eye balls and selfie seekers as much as the main structure.

Photo by Monoreena

Pages in mythology rub the boulders and blow in wind.

I was astonished to see how this boulder arrangement so looked like Hanuman, an artwork wind created with the boulders over time, and makes you realise how stories of yore and mythology stems from nature!

I was prompted to participate in 10-word story challenge by Sujona Chatterjee in a-little-bit-of-chocolate-cake-hurt-no-one , and Ali in ten-word-story-challenge,It was fun compiling the same, so Thank you from Soul Bay!

As I scratched a little bit into this chain, I found some interesting stories that has made the round, sharing a few which I found intriguing for various reasons:

By none other than Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

By B.R. Shenoy

By Marilyn Glover

By TzeLin Sam

