I am a portrait photographer, graphic designer, creator extraordinaire. I suppose I am dabbling in writing too 😊 | 721vanessa Photography | www.721vanessa.com
Pen (or in this case the laptop) is mightier than the sword. Unwillingly prescribed the red pill of truth instead of the fun blue pill. Sensitive INFJ.
MEMBER SINCE FEB 2021. Spirituality and poetry are my passions by night, and I'm a content writer under daylight. I'm a boost nominator at Write Under the Moon
I am a photographer and a freelance writer and write about all things photography. I also write about many other subjects. Website: https://dbphotography.co.nz/
I’m a deep, creative writer. I use the written word to convey our deepest, innermost feelings to help others heal from the past. caitlyn.dorann@gmail.com (FYI)
I’m an author, a pet behaviorist, & an intuitive empath psychic medium. I believe in the synergy of science and soul. Visit me: http://thesoulfulpet.com/
I am Ida, a poetic soul. I write poetry and essays. I am a movie maker, and photographer and I love to create digtal artwork. I love nature. @Idaspoeticuniverse
A constant pursuit of knowledge, a love for the minds of humankind, and a desire to better the world has led me here to share my thoughts. Anima Mundi ♥
Inspiratrix, Intentional Creativity® Teacher, Artist of the Spirit Coach. A weaving of creativity, life design, and spirituality. www.amusedwomanstudios.com
My writing looks to document the human experience and to use words to mend the fractures of life and move the reader towards life-affirming possibilities.
Wendi deep-dives through words into realms of spirituality, vulnerable self-discovery, self-awareness, personal development, empowerment, and mental wellness..
Poet & Activist, praying for post-covid world-wide paradigm shift in how humanity behaves & keen to connect with like-minded individuals. If not now, then when?
21st Century Indie Author, Thought Leader, Light Guide, Ahimsa Agent… shining a big fat spotlight on the Promised Land. ★ Start here: www.rockyourworldbooks.com
Playwright, Gardener, Husband of One, Father of Two, grammatically challenged language enthusiast. I write about nature, sustainability, human behavior, family.
To live in a world of peace and justice we must imagine it first. For this, we need artists and writers. I write to reach for the edges of what is possible.
Writer, musician, dog whisperer, video game enthusiast and amateur lucid dreamer. I write memoirs, satires, philosophical treatises and everything in between 🐙
I am your Brother and a Seeker of the Infinite. I came this time among the Igbos. I share the sights, sounds, and scents of my journey in simple stories. .
Wisdom is in each of us. We just need a little reminder at times. I wish to create a valuable venue for inspiring insights, kind words and uplifting guidance.
A curious man with a passion for a deeper understanding of this existence. Just going through life while attempting to change the world one word at a time.
I'm a crafter of sonic tones in the studio, an author of fictional tomes on my laptop, and a seeker of true, good, and beautiful cornerstones in all of life.
Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirer, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to. https://lefildar.gent/en (in English--en, French or Spanish --es)
Intuitive Energy Therapist, BA. in Metaphysical Sc., Theta Healing and E.F.T. practitioner. Offering wellness tips, recipes and holistic health strategies.
Wanderer. Photographer. Seeker of silence & solitude. Sharing conversations that I have with trees. Writing as myself, about myself, for myself. @bradcarrphotos
Author 19x, Speaker, and Artist. Preacher’s kid and granddaughter, losing her religion. I write books and articles that help people live happier lives.