Finding Peace in a World of Unrest

Are you sleeping well at night?

Ed Boyd
Soul Craft
3 min readAug 7, 2022


Photo by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash

Unrest is invading our sleep. Social, political, environmental turmoil that we experience in our waking hours, is now spilling over into our quiet world of dreams and rest.

Instead of time in peaceful slumber when our brains go about the business of filtering the traffic of the day, it is being disturbed by intruders.

Aside from recognizing that we are on a runaway train heading into a storm of collapse, confusion, and fear on an intellectual level, the wind of radical change is blowing the chaff of anxiety into our subconscious mind.

Visions of a dystopian future rattle though our dreams dragging uncertainty bound in chains of despair along for the ride.

Guilt, like an unwelcome guest, sits impatiently in the back of our minds.

The crushing fatigue of the overworked get little relief from sleep. Pools and eddies of anxious thoughts swirl and slip, keeping deep and restful sleep just out of reach.

Just when you finally start to drift, the tyrant of time rears its ugly head. The alarm goes off. It’s time to get up.

Morning becomes mourning for time lost.

The weight of this poverty of peace rests heavily on tired shoulders. Foggy and flickering, the mind wakes, laboring to make sense of this life.

Beauty and joy become distant, a veiled memory. Our collective consciousness has been polluted, plundered by the pursuit of empty profit. Robbing us of the richness of simplicity.

Complex systems of material wealth devalue the currency of our thoughts. Sequestering hope in thin promises promulgated by the politicians of avarice, consuming a false faith, endlessly hungering for power.

Such is the world we live in. We are exhausted. A nation of impoverished souls chained unwilling to the punishing pursuit of progress. Unrested, we carry on.

And yet, there is hope.

In small, unexpected moments.

In the friendly smile of a person, we do not know.

When you feel something brush against your leg while waiting in a line, startled you look down. It is that gloriously unbridled joy and unconditional love in the eyes of someone else’s dog. You, without hesitation, reach out, ruffling the ears, rubbing the back, patting the sides of your new momentary best friend.

Sunlight illuminating the soft beauty of a single flower growing in a crack of a sidewalk.

These are the moments that feed our starving souls. Gives us back a kind of resonant peace.

These are visceral realities unique to each one of us, inexplicably deep and abiding.

Words are weak and inadequate servants, unable to convey the depth of meaning these moments give.

Unspoken truths meant only for you.

As small and sparse as they may be, they are enough.

P.S. If you’d like to contribute and be a part of the Soul Craft family, our doors are always open! Simply comment down below or on the Submissions Guidelines post. We would love to have you on board!



Ed Boyd
Soul Craft

Playwright, Gardener, Husband of One, Father of Two, grammatically challenged language enthusiast. I write about nature, sustainability, human behavior, family.