Are You Relying Too Much on Tarot Readings?

The 7 subtle warning signs

Fran Writes ✨
Soul Magazine
3 min readJan 31, 2024


Totally overwhelmed by Tarot! Author’s photo, made with DALL-E 3

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Once you have a Tarot reading that makes sense to you, asking it questions gets kind of addictive.

But like with most satisfying things — exercise, porn, chocolate— too much is bad for you.

Tarot readings are a helpful, creative way to delve into your subconscious and figure out what you need to do next.

But it’s harmful to give up your own common sense to a deck of cards.

Yes — of course I want you to enjoy Tarot. I’m a reader so it’d be weird if I told you to swear off it altogether 😉

But are you relying on readings like I rely on my morning coffee?

Here are 7 ways you can be sure.

As a side note: Addiction is real and very serious. If you think you need help, consult a professional!

Warning Sign 1: Constantly Seeking Readings for Small Decisions

These kinds of questions are the inconsequential tasks or decisions that really don’t make a massive difference to your day.

Questions like ‘What colour dress should I wear?’ ‘Should I eat bagels for lunch?’ or ‘Shall I take the bus or the train?’

Save Tarot for the deeper questions in life that you need clear guidance on.

Warning Sign 2: Ignoring Personal Judgment

This is similar to ignoring your gut feeling, intuition, or even just common sense.

If you know that going out with the guy from work is going to make you feel awkward the next day, or that friend who treats you terribly wants yet another favour, the cards aren’t going to help you feel any differently.

Learn to trust yourself before you trust pieces of card with pretty pictures on.

Warning Sign 3: Anxiety Without Guidance

Relying on Tarot readings as a crutch is a sure sign of an addiction to Tarot. If you can’t get by making one simple decision without feeling irritable, on edge, and anxious that you didn’t consult the cards first?

Maybe it’s time for help.

Warning Sign 4: Financial Strain

I’ve heard of people spending money on readings (not just Tarot, but psychic readings too) like gamblers feed money into fruit machines. You gotta pay your bills and have enough food in the cupboard before you start splashing out on readings. Trust me, don’t spend what you can’t afford.

Putting readings on a credit card? Then you don’t need the reading.

Warning Sign 5: Neglecting Responsibilities

People who rely too much on Tarot lose touch with reality. They’ll stop doing basic chores and making practical, sensible decisions like grocery shopping or paying bills. Procrastination starts to creep in and even personal relationships suffer.

Warning Sign 6: Feeling Powerless Without Readings

If you think Tarot cards hold some higher-than-human power, you’re wrong. They’re just cards.

Although they’re a tool to help you uncover parts of your subconscious, YOU ultimately hold the decision-making power.

Warning Sign 7: Isolation

You’ll know if Tarot’s becoming an unhealthy obsession if you start withdrawing from your usual social activities with friends and family. Maybe that means skipping get-togethers to read more about Tarot meanings or getting yet another reading.

Don’t get lost in your own personal bubble.

Have you ever felt like maybe you consult the cards a little more than you should? Tell me about it! Let’s have a chat in the comments 👉


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Fran Writes ✨
Soul Magazine

Sparking conversations about life, intuition, and creativity. Community Tarot readings in a down-to-earth style.