Must-know Self-empowerment Insight

Does The Universe Really Have Our Back?

How can we know?

Carolina Cummins | Lead with Love
Soul Magazine


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A Manifesting Must-Know Insight to Stop Looking Doubtful
Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

‘Oh my God! I’ve wasted an amazing opportunity!’

My sudden realization stopped me in my thinking track.

20 years ago, I was flying high. I was in the flow. I was in my element expressing my deepest most private thoughts and vulnerable feelings on my laptop’s screen.

What I was writing about was daring, but I thrive on being authentic! I was writing about my relationship experiences with a married man.

‘This is too personal. People will judge you. Those who know him might find out! And anyway, who wants to read about my emotional pains and longings to be loved?”

I was flying high, but my mind squashed me. Those anxious thoughts took over and brought me down, and they won. I felt inhibited from carrying on!

That’s how powerful emotions are! They make us do things we don’t really want to do!

The mind creates them and sends them to the brain where they get translated into emotions that then get us to do the actions our brain thinks we need to do!

This is simple neuroscience.

We do things because we feel something. If we are not aware of what is going on, we are slaves to these emotions.

While I had this moment of regret, I started to ponder….

‘If the Universe had my back, it would have pushed me to persevere with my writing. It would have supported me to realize my Soul’s dream.

Why didn’t it? Why didn’t it take over and guide me?’

I was at a mental crossroads. For a moment I felt abandoned. And sad.

I wasted an opportunity. In all these years I didn’t do any writing. I just survived and made a living.

But then I saw that I was not a victim nor do I need a saviour!

Nothing and nobody can help me, not even my Soul if I block my flow with fearful thoughts.

‘If somebody had clapped for my idea to write this book, I might have carried on. But without anybody’s encouragement, I believed what my scared thoughts were saying’.

OMG! I have been feeling like this so many times. I was longing for support!

I was digging for appreciation, I wanted to be validated. I believe that I was a nobody on my own.

In that state of being my Soul cannot help me because I have moved too far away from my true, natural state of peace, love, and joy! I was no longer aligned with my Soul’s energy. I couldn’t reach me.

This train of thoughts reflected my unconscious feelings about myself and I could see how unimportant I felt!

The debilitating fight with self-doubt had been going on all my life and it was high time to take back my reigns!

My insight gave me a real chance to do this whole thing differently!

I made a strong decision to become a well-loved, successful, and abundant writer and messenger of Love!

I will find a way to help myself so my Soul‘s purpose will be fulfilled!

Gratitude swept over me and with it, the regret I felt early vanished.


The Universe has our back when we do! We have to work together.

Because it says ‘Yes’ to anything we believe, choose, or decide, whether that is a conscious or unconscious, helpful or unhelpful belief.

Our Soul is like an overseer of our life that we create together which makes us the Co-creators of our reality.

We do not need a savior! Only we can save ourselves by looking for help, raising our frequency, and being grateful and content in the moment.

That means we need to do our utmost best to win this fight with our minds, so we will manifest what we desire.

If my thoughts hadn’t been against me and if I had consciously chosen what I wanted to think, my brain would have created emotions that could have moved me forward.

But that was still too hard for me at that time. This takes practice.

When we back ourselves, the Great Omnipresent Divinity adds its powerful creative intelligence and we get back in flow.

When we have been going in the wrong direction for years our Soul sometimes takes over causing an illness or accident.

Hence it is much wiser to listen to our thoughts, uncomfortable feelings, and inner guidance!

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I love to connect with you and thank you in advance for your claps, loving responses, questions, and comments.

