Ego Death & Living on Earth as a Twin Soul: Part 1 — What Am I Learning?

As I advance on this journey as a twin soul, here are some things I have learned that have helped me reach bliss and progress toward energetic union.

Gemini May
Soul Magazine
Published in
6 min readJan 19, 2024


Woman doing yoga tree pose on mountaintop with sunrise
Photo by Eneko Uruñuela on Unsplash

This is Part 1 of my memoir: Ego Death & Living on Earth as a Twin Soul. I initially shared a piece I wrote titled Not A Love Story: Finally Meeting the ONE and Letting Him Go, which is the prequel to this memoir and talks about my soul recognition/meeting my mirror soul.

After my twin ghosted me, officially spurring our separation on Friday the 13th of October (talk about unlucky!!), I went through my Dark Night of the Soul (DNOTS)/Soul Shock. This lasted about 6–8 weeks, during which I asked the universe for clarity and help understanding what the heck was happening to me.

This is when my learning really began, and I was guided to relevant content online — that I could relate to, and actually made sense of what I was going through…thus realizing I was on a Twin Flame journey and not just having a complete mental breakdown (which is one in the same, really)!



Gemini May
Soul Magazine

I write about love, life & learning as a Divine Feminine Starseed Twin Soul, mother, wife & marketer, ascending on the journey 🔥❤️♾️🪐with unconditional LOVE